Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Interesting word, Dummies, it is one that cannot be literally translated, but applies to someone who is yet ignorant of many things, it is used as the term "lay man" or "greenie" or "noob" would be.

My thought this morning was about a combination my brain did that one might not necessarily group together as it is less obvious seeming, to me. I was thinking about those "for dummies" series of books and in particular how Tal Bachman expressed his genius, which he tends to hide, but it never goes away. Genius is as genius does or something like that... Anyhow I was hearing Moroni speak to the Lamanites much the way one would speak to a dummy. And that was when it dawned on me that the whole Book of Mormon was written as a how to book for dummies. Assuming you do not know anything about how to use the gospel, it does not assume you do, but presents everything undeniably and plainly, like how to be forgiven and be baptized and then take the sacrament. The particular part I was listening to was explaining things simply to the peoples who were out to kill him because he figured one day they might want to know.

Now, I am done, but wanted to touch on one subject that pricked my attention. Moroni teaches the way to judge, and I love it! it is soooo Plain: If it does good, then it is good, if it does bad then it is bad. Simple, huh? But, so often I hear "Judge not", so why would we need to know how to judge?

I can answer that plainly, too.

This life is about Keeping a freedom we have recieved. And that is why we call our ability to make choices "free agency". We are free to choose/judge (more instructions from the ultimate "..for dummies" book).

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