Saturday, December 28, 2019

tower blocks

As I was studying this morning I thought of something. I am old enough to disclose secrets to help others discover truth, despite being able to logically understand great truths yet, even knowing they are necessary.

It is always the best practice to start a huge project by choosing an overcomable part, like cleaning a room or a likewise daunting task. You start by doing a thing you can.

In 7th grade. I asked a student how they could do such difficult problems so quickly. I wanted to be able to do it, too. She showed me how it is always a matter of breaking the problem into smaller issues. For instance 2354 plus 2435 is actually smaller problems of 2 plus 2, 3 plus 4, etc. This was so eye opening. It is the same principle as cleaning a very messy room by folding clothes and putting them where they belong, and throwing trash away, etc.
As I was working as a preschool assistant for years. I made almost too many block towers. Children do not instantly start building them, but think to get higher they put them one on top of the other. But, I would challenge them with a tower. I would build them in a more precise way knowing full well that though slower and more blocks were needed I would be able to build higher. Eventually, through that example, the kids would begin stacking in the same way to reach heights previously unobtainable.

This morning, it is the exact same principle I want to suggest in gospel study. There will be truths that seem improbable, but if we build safely and securely on what we know to be true we will be able to safely extrapolate thing we previously could not comprehend.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

being nice

I can't stop wondering why every nation or society, or grouping of people's appreciate being nice.

Just on my mind was a episode of a show "Mossad 101" where a person used reasoning to figure out that they would succeed by being altruistic and making a personal sacrifice for others. I think the show succeeded in causing an emotional reaction when it was announced that this would not do anything to help the person and they were removed from the society (course). But, later the same character who appeared not to value altruism later demonstrated a great deal of it as did others making it clear that among many faults, mankind has a trait of kindness and such compassion is it's greatest trait. Growing up in film and television and such the saving trait of our kind was referred to as humanity. It seemed to me that the writer's were trying to use their "voice" to calm any worries that machine would ever ursurp man.

It is true, that if a person is nice or sweet it is universally appreciated the whole philosophical argument of morality being determined  by natural sense and reflection of such. Being considerate and kind is cross-cultural. There is more to it. It is easiest to explain.... Ha ha without finishing that thought I recall occam's razor... Though the notion that were are all connected or children of God, aka brothers and sisters. 

Cue "Ode to Joy"

ambition and espionage

Lately, I have been creating a new paradigm to explain my choices and what they will be. While I was watching "Downtown Abbey" the movie and thinking about, among other things, how we are all pawns being manipulated by others and how so much of life can only begin after we no longer take part. One thought, to explain my unlikely obsession, was to recall ancestors who though descended from Kings and queens were commoners and seek out their due, add to that the ambitions on my mind of the Imudeans and their desire to create a different kingdom, and how even that is all made possible by the Gospel I have learned through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. So, either it is completely true and thus applies to anything even things I make up, if they are true.
     Recently, I was caught up thinking of conspiracy, possible conspiracy and espionage, and I wondered if we take our desires and addictions with us after we die.... Pause to consider my use of the word us, as if we are the spirit, not the body.... So, it makes sense that ancestors would have ample time to plot and scheme to get their desired results like Heathcliff did in "Wuthering Heights".