Friday, December 22, 2017

My Light (The Way)

This is a one-time inner musing that I am sharing out of hope that my dpark might light the way to grander flames, like a library of great thoughts that mean something.

I know one small fact, and upon that I have built an entire empire of truth. I know that there is a Creator and that Jesus Christ was born in this life and has a body just as we do wherever he is. I could deny many things, though reason/logic doesn't, but I could never deny God.

Now, if I am limited by reasoning that can be shared with the general public, It has been the foundation of every civilization, and explination for all that could not yet be comprehended that there is a god or origin of ability beyond our understanding. Now, it has been made known by many very intelligent, some well-meaning individuals that such Magic has been proven false of many accounts and science has given an explination, and because it proven somethings, it ought to be used to prove all things.

I could not ignore this much, and so I decided God uses the ways we have discovered to do things, but he is still the source although the evidence shows how it is done it does not show who.

In my house, there are things that happen that one could say a ghost dod because there is no evidence, but given what I do know, It is no mystery, even she cannot recall how she did sonethinfs that she did...

So, as I learn more and love more of God I need to find a way to continue. And when I fill my freetime with books, music or other entertainment with instruction. I feel very good about it. Many have claimed that I had been "brainwashed" and it is feasible when I see things like war where two factions who believe differently kill one another because of how they we raised to see things. But, even if I denied everything I had the great fortune of being taught I would still know and love God. And, with that relationship, I have learned to recognize his voice. Jesus, himself, taught about how all sheep learn to trust and recognize their Shepherd. This is true, anyone who knows and loves God, regardless of with whom they associate, will gravitate towards any place that teaches of Christ. I think that is why my lawyer knew I was Christian, but doubted that I was LDS. Such doubt is hopeful, it means the only reason it existed was due to ignorance.

I do believe that Joseph Smith was visited  by God and he set up a church that teaches and instruct a man the way to live if he wants to be reunited with a Heavenly father,  which it is sad to admit, but not all do.

So, this is what I believe, not any great wordy jumble of intellectual mumbo jumbo,  but that is undeniable that "we" originated in Heaven and are here, by choice. There are many stumbling blocks and false "truths". I will not deny that it is possible that I will falter, but there is a constant and a way.

Song time:

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Thought to FILL the time

It is Christmas and i feel this feeling so powerfully, I almost equate it with another sense like sight. It feels alot like that feeling when you are going to pee. You feel like you NEED to get to a restroom, but, trust me. When trying to explain it, even kids get frustrated, "I need to go potty." Is sufficient. Well, I need to think, but I seriously do not know what. I almost think it is someone trying to communicate, but How? What should I do?

I am sotting here, hoping it will occur to me, maybe it is that whole, "on the tip of my tongue" and I will just spit it out, or perhaps I will build something out of mashed potatoes or something.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Oversimplfying the universe

"Some things are better left in a box." Claims Pandora in a recent interview. A close up video shot reveals a box labeled "Mysteries of the Universe"

The university campus is a place that feels like a step up from the old fashioned library because the books talk and we call them professors. I loved collwge, but recall often thinking, "It is something that I could do on my own." Until, I had a teacher who taught one thing but assigned a text to read, I had supposed it supported her lecture, but to the contrary, it conflicted to the point my education was causing confusion and I had to ask which was the way we were to learn. The answer upset me, she said that we would be graded on what she had taught and her lecture would be tested, but that seemed a silly thing when we were obviously not all present for her lecture.

It was then, I picked up on a trait never before noticed of teachers to make their subjects seem so valuable and mysterious that one needed them to explain it or make sense of it.

In Algebra class, I rarely paid attention because what was being taught was what I considered commin sense, then I ended up with poor grades because I had jot shown how I reached the answers. I actually had, but they way I rwached the answers was not the way taught!

I could go on and on giving examples of how mysteries were actually being created out of plain things to make an understanding of them necessary through that oarticular teacher.

Sort of unrelated, another teacher I had claimed to not be able to read my handwriting. He claimed it was probably because I had a different penmenship teacher. I noticed that my children are taught a different way to form their letters than the way I make mine...Now, I often type things if I feel they need to communicate something.

Ok, I am drifting off topic. Time to course correct.

Too often, things are explained and diseminated from a source that likely had no right or authority to explain that mystery and according to me, it is wrong. I see conflict coming from the understanding of a mystery and so, too often, things are better left as a mystery. I recently read a comment where someone claimed the Bible to loose all reliability or credibility because the very same passage (meant to unravel and explain a mystery )was interpretted to mean such different things that they ended up oppsing one another. I have a first hand experience with this.

There is a scripture that warns to be aware of false prophets. At a Bible Study group the teacher started "Mormon bashing" making a veiled comment about how it was fortunate that they did not have any prophets, unlike another church whom the Bible CLEARLY warns us about. Then at a Mormon church the same passage was quoted as a source for the acceptance of the things as set forth by the LDS church because if we had been warned to watch out for false prophets then there needed to be true prophets or why mention them at all. So, a simple truth which is a tad mysterious to us is explained to fit whichever agenda suits the situation.

My conclusion is that it is Good to aquire wisdom but, the source must be standardized in interpretqtion or else truth cannot be common...ah, side track to a book I read as a teen called, "A Separate Peace" by John Knowles. I honestly do not know where it came from or why I read it, maybe fancy. It is a mystery!

Friday, December 8, 2017

A temporary seperation

"... and if ye endure it well, ye shall be exalted... "

I just thought it might be a neat idea to explore that if togetherness can be sustained throughout eternity that goes two ways. But! I did learn that it only happens in mortality, not inspirit, although it continues after death, or can, if done by the proper authority. If it was designed that men and women were such even before birth, it stands to reason that they loved one another, being seperated by birth would be tough, but it is at least nice to know it us all but a moment, but what if a contract was entered and bound for eternity whwn one did not really know what they were doing?

Firm foundation

If the whole gospel is true, it cannot be completed without Temple ordinances. And temples need solid foundations or they cannot last.

I love it when a thing is said and fits perfectly but had no inkling even that it would be seen as such. What such stories tell is truth. It is a thing that happens between two objects and may not be explained in words, but can be applied through metaphor to other things without the truth even ever being spoken of. I suspect this is why Jesus taught in parables.

The Salt Lake temple was painstakingly built over 40 years and much, much sacrifice. At one point the foundatiom needed to be burried and when it was uncovered it was observed that there were tiny fractures in the foundation, a hard choice had to be made.

All of the sacrifice to lay that foundation had to be abandoned because the temple was going to be a edifice that represented God's place among us. It would simply not  stand for the necessary time, unless it was form, which means that it needed to be rebuilt.

Looking, not finding

I saw a video that I thought would perfectly explain a thing I wanted to teach, but I could not find it. In my search I found among related information a talk given years ago that clearly defined the purposes for being and defined the duties of a husband, and it only solidified my notion that has never been put into words yet, that in order to meet my obligations to God, of which I tearfully fall short, cannot be met unless I am able to focus on that instead of my own safety and needs. I long expected this, but it was, clearly not  my wishful imaginings. I have been promised things that without it is pointless to be given responsibilities that I want.

With those ideas another keeps coming to mind that I had never had before, but it is pretty much a given thing...remember this, self. Children are depending on you, plural.