Sunday, July 31, 2016

2 cents

1 penny

It seems terrible logic to believe carbon dating if you do not believe in the big bang. Then, they used carbon dating to "date" the Shroud of Turin.

Another penny

Moses called the elders to dispense information quickly to the Children of Israel. This is still a duty of the Aaronic priesthood.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Quick comment relevant to nothing yet

When governments or factions get obsessed with new ideas they think their new idea is new and thus better for everyone. And, when they meet resistance to the new, improved solution, oftimes, even smart and believable leaders peddle genecide of the systematic removal of any who oppose, rather than address why they oppose. Hitler's German army might have agreed with Judaism on many key points, but only one mattered.

I will delve later. I am sorta busy atm.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

In time

This needs some scrutiny:

A teacher once called attention to the fiasco of Abraham and Sariah when they had to pretend to be cousins for the sake of Abraham's life, due to Sariah being so desirable to look upon. Now, typically, teachers dwell on the significance of telling a lie to save a life, which is very interesting...but, this teacher pointed out the significance of long pauses in such grand places and the amount of learning and wisdom that could not be gotten anywhere else and how significant this understanding would become to his later life.

I am often fascinated by that little literary magic trick or diversion of an audiences attention so that heroes can develop in a way that makes a plot twist possible.

I was thinking about how this applied to my apparent "spinning of wheels" or "going no where" when actually it is allowing me to develop. Particularly, this can be seen in my tatting progress. Right now, I can barely do even basic things, so I spend a great deal of time not accomplishing anything of value to others, but I am increasing my abilities to the point where such basic things will not require my attention, like basic math. I bet without thinking, you know what 2 plus 2 is. Whereas my children consider it magical that I just KNOW it without counting fingers. :)