Saturday, August 30, 2014

Premature birth

I was thinking about how lucky I am and that I always say it is because I was born on the 7th. Uh, but I didn't have much to do with it. Well, then I thought Mary was born on the 7th, too. That is when the connection was made and it was like fireworks went off in my mind with regard to preemies.

Both Mary and I were born early. I joked about it being a result of my independent and anxious nature. Now, I realize a thing that I noticed before regarding women who are barren but, then miraculously concieve. That child was dileberate and purposeful, more so than any other. Both Mary and I did not just come as we were expected to as planned by science/nature. We came according to our own plan. Unexpected arrivals atleast can be speculated as diliberate or intended, as if there was a plan all along.

Because I am a Mormon, I formed a strange way of thinking about it. We believe that we lived as spirits hapily in a spirit world before coming to this one. I believe that I had already fallen in love. And when my significant other (as we put it) left for earth I was overly zealous to get there, too. I had not acknowledged this before, though.

When I met Brandall Brawner, he was older and had been born in October, so it made a bit of sense to me, as I was too although I was scheduled to be born around decemberish. But, what really got me (and I was very cautious and skeptical of odd motives as the time). He said that he felt as if he recognized me, and wondered if I ever felt that I knew someone before and felt the need to hug them or sort of celebrate. Then he asked if he could please, hug me. How Romantic, huh? Whoever is lucky enough to end up with him forever is so fortunate. I still love him so much, though, it is not good to be just in love with someone who is not in love back. So, I am glad that he was so wise to let me go.

Anyhow, so I think both Mary and I have more reason to claim we are lucky as a result of the day we were born than others because of our premature, unplanned by science, births.

Monday, August 25, 2014

What you've been waiting for...

Your sieving through silly thoughts is over, I am about to disclose how to create the ideal being, when the desire arises.

First thing is to observe our longest surviving creatures simple organisims like viruses. They teach us that the key to survival is adapting, so then the key to strength is adversity.

My mother was so incredibly wise. She did not medicate away anything that attacked our bodies, so creating strong immune systems.

It seems that we aide others in "easing their pain". But, in actuality we are strengthening our adversary. Because of vaccinations we have unwittingly (out of a desire to help) created a hybrid. Take for instance the flu. Once a simple illness, nothing to cause alarm, is killing people who are unable to fight the evolved strain.

I am guilty as a parent, although I know that women who know do less, still I try to make things easy by taking extra upon myself, and creating children who will not cope with reality but instead be addicted and dependant on me.

Friday, August 22, 2014


I do not know what I want to say, but it has only gotten stronger and firmer when I dismissed the notion, so here is the basic idea: what does it mean that we were created in God's image? Do we then have the potential to be like him, or just resemble him in form?

I have long since thought that I was not like everyone else, which would be proposterous, as we are all children of one being, ofcourse we share much more than a likeness. But , I find myself wondering if beyond looking like others the things shared stop. Perhaps, I have morein common with something else. I write my feelings off as immature and it is likely everyone goes through a stage of feeling smears and blames it on aliens or something, like Clark Kent. He looked like us, but was alien. I need to watch Roswell again.

Unrelated, I felt so much better about myself when I was almost entirely disconnected from the goings on of others. I arrive almost at the same points regardless. Like a child who is raised by wolves but come to similar conclusions or in ovies speaks English somehow. On Torchwood:Miracle Day. Such a happening was referred to as a "morphic field". Latter-day saints accept such a thing as well. We are spirit children of a Heavenly Father, who is our God. He shares the Godhead with two other beings, one of which is a personage (interesting word) of spirit and dogs can dwell in our hearts, in many hearts intact, at once. He is known by many names but the commonly used layterm is the Holy Ghost.

My kids got a huge kick out of a girl explaining that we needed bodies so we would not just wobble to the ground. To me, it seems like we assign an image to our spirits that is similar to our body, in need to do things, too. I wrote a poem once that expressed my concern for being a bodiless form, put simply, it is not easy being a ghost. Many movies and other similar arts have touched on the perils of needing a tactile likeness but, I wondered if that importance stems from our inability to imagine a life unlike the one we know. Afterall, we are MRs in the image of God, right? Does our likness end there? I have been taught otherwise.
One of my key values is divine nature... More later. Must sleep while I can.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Courtesy of Athena

Briefly, as I watched Ariel's Begining this morning I had these three thoughts that are important so I will write the origins down, and maybe the evolution will be spoken through my life...

A real lesson doesn't
require words, but this one comes in English.

1) rules are usually laws that do not worry about exceptions because anyone who actually tries can keep them and achieve success.

2) There are lesser and higher laws or else we would not need the warning of not trying to accomplish more than you ought, like milk until you have teeth, etc. It is not that meat is bad for you or anything, it is just not going to work for everyone.

3) In the case of Divorcees and Widow(er)s, it is not always applicable that there is only One person for you. For their potential happiness, any one must work.