Thursday, June 30, 2016

Litmus paper

I am I'm washing the dishes right now so I cannot write what I was going to write and I will write it when I finish I wanted to write something about litmus paper test we took in high school and how only some people can taste it.

I wanted to say something about this experiment because it was Monumental to me it could inform you on my mind thought I'd had for a long time which is a prevailing global standpoint on it that everyone perceives things the exact same way, like if we say something is blue that's what color it is. The reason why I'm thinking about this probably is because I've been watching the movie "The Giver". In the movie a person says that I they have a feeling that they see things differently. This struck a chord with me because I've always thought that I didn't see things the same way or sonething. In the movie it's a good thing because this perception is needed to translate the things that others don't understand.

Okay. The test. We were in small groups given pieces of paper to taste and scientifically to record exactly what we experience so I could be looked at scientifically within our small groups. I was the first one to taste the paper and I made a terrible face. Almost no one would taste it subsequently. However it turned out that I was the only one in the group that could actually taste anything. It was then that I realized if I had been chosen by the group to represent our interests I would have been totally against using the paper for anything because it was so horrible to me but that wouldn't necessarily represent the group.

In my government class we were also learning about how those chosen as leaders and in particular group are generally those who possess an attribute that is needed. So I also knew that people were all there for everyone is different and yet we all wear one size.

There are standards for measuring things it's something people have agreed on for instance Europeans use the metric system we however use what is called the English measurement system of yards inches, feet etc. I've also noticed that there is a huge problem in computer parts when people try to use parts that are proprietary. Mothers might notice us with bottles if nipples were not all made the same in the same size we would have to purchase specific nipples for each bottle that is not the case. Fortunately, one computer port is identical to another, as well as sodtware languages so that they can communicate one with another and the internet is a great explanation or example Maybe of how we are stronger in numbers computers when combined have a greater capacity to perform my previous example is always been the Hebrew slaves who created all the Egyptian monuments no single person could have done that but with a large group of people things could be accomplished that would otherwise be impossible. This is how I used to describe or explain how With God all things are possible. Using the model of religion if a given religion is made up of a whole lot of people one person in particular just not hold an attribute however when you have a large group probably every attribute is God a representative I think there was an Epistle of Paul where he likened the church to a body and that's basically what I'm doing Each part of the body has a specific ability. It might not seem important but on its own but if you combine them nothing would be impossible.

Since I'm talking about religion and yes that's where I was headed with all this I feel out of my element because people will talk about things and it feels like "The Emperor's New Clothes". I recently saw a scishow YouTube video about sounds that make you feel something. Often people talk about how tangible the spirit seems, and I do not doubt it, but I simply do not feel it. I do no think my difference makes me lesser or greater, it makes it obvious to me that I am not there for the same reason. And further, when I learn the same things, that knowledge will be different, too. The same thing that would disturb others of prove effective in manipulating others will not work for me. But, it is just  because I am different, not better or worse.

I am done for now.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


It seems to me that the ideals man creates are so motivating. We believe and hope so much that when we finaly reach our destination, then what?

Commonly, comes the diwnward spiral. Disillusionment, when we realize how far the world is from what we hoped it was.

This mirning, though it really struck me how that is the point where our dreamers proved they had the stuff to make it to the core and it is then that they can really be part of making reality better for us all.

Yeah, most of us are miserable failures, but we have such dreams!

I remember being taught that if our (LDS) religion was so marvelous it would naturally produce marvelous things, where is the evidence of that. I came to terms with what happens on that end years ago, but it really does make me think that if mankind can create such an ideal that consumes and motivates it ought to have created an incredible government or something. I mean, if we know how things really are and we are a blessed people then it makes perfect sense that we would use our gift to create something to benefit and teach everyone we love, which is basically everyone, right?

I just seem so many bright eyed and talented superstars start out bright and cheery, but end up depressed and resentful. And it seems that if a thing is less than ideal, make it better, but maybe they try and that is why they feel dispondant...

Friday, June 24, 2016

No evident progress

I think this is like the third week of doing my situp routine and there has been absolutely no evidence of any kind, still I persevere and probably will as long as I remember it. This is my same approach to life.

Giving up isn't my thing, but it has been known to happen.

Friday, June 10, 2016


I do not want to default back to the idea that life could be so wonderful, and things that seem to bother me wouldn't even have a chance to form into thoughts. So, I am going to take a nap.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Perfect test

I had been considering two things together. 1) C.S. Lewis giving easy answers to difficult questions and 2) Joseph Smith giving an easy way to determine an essential thing. It got me thinking on a new direction. I have lots of difficult questions and I always quickly accept what answer I get as being truth, usually, it feels true and can be doctrinally proven, which means if you accept a doctrine as true then, anything that comes with it is true, plain and simple. It is like choosing a friend like C.S.Lewis and then just accepting what he says. For example, one time in a class a woman explained that she loved the Church so much because ot made all of her choices were already made for her. It troubled me a bit, to the point that I was troubled enough to understand what she meant.

I marveled at the revelation Joseph Smith recieved in discerning a spirit whether or not it is God sent. My conclusion is that this was a revelation of so much more. It taught us how to discern anything was true from God himself.

It was said in the movie Shadowlands, "you already have the answer, so what is it?" I thought, we have a way to tell if a person is a truthful person because They are unaware of there being a test, right? It is much like asking a handshake of a messenger. You ask a difficult question that you already have an answer for to see how they answer and in that manner you can know how to judge an answer to a question that you do not know.

So what we have is a metjod of discerning, not as much a solution that can not be known and worked around by a cunning, knowledgeable adversary.