Saturday, March 27, 2021

Spirituality thought

 It just hit me how odd it is that we are upset with false information like we deserve the truth or something, and yet, what we call the truth, is the very thing spirituality and science declare is false anyhow, so what exactly is it that so many feel entitled to? Lately, I have been listening to Kabbalistic perspectives on what is and among many teachings that fit so perfectly with Mormonism that I had to look up Joseph Smith's relationship with Kabbalah, but entwined in those teachings is one main one that closely resembles the Matrix. If we are unable to perceive things as they are, further we seek (thus change to move towards a goal) fulfillment and that fulfillment allows greater perspective (more simply said - we are motivated by selfish desires) and all of the pain we experience is just part of trying to reconcile things that evidentially do not fit our picture of how it is. It seems to me that it is like we are being blatantly lied to so that we even gain the perspective that is required. I short, It is similar to how the serpent thought he was thwarting everything by beguiling, it actually became the means (or motivation) to push things into place. I bet Adam and Eve felt so betrayed and upset and upset to be forced out of the happy little home they had in Eden. But, I suppose that is how all children feel when forced into a world to learn for themselves and end up understanding so much more appreciating what was done to them. yesterday, I heard a man use a sort of um, allegory of taking a child's cell phone away. To the child, it would seem wrong or unfair, but ultimately it was done for the peace and happiness of the family unit, which the child would eventually realize...My big question is, What are we going to gain from all of this obvious suppression on truth? I, for one, am going to use such cases to reinforce my method of determining the truth and put it into practice on every front.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

I do not know the algorhythm, perse

 I am not sure HOW it is done, only wanted to raise my hand as I hear the tone. It has been done and it is not magic, it is merely mounting evidence of a thing I do not understand yet.

I was posing online that I am particularly fond of Phrygian and Aolean modes and then the next song played on my device is Verve's Bittersweet Symphony, which mentions modes and is written in the keys of E and A. I would think it coincidence,except for the frequency of such occurrences and comments of several others who have mentioned how they too have noticed that if you speak of Golfclubs in an email all of your web-searches are related to golf.

I have been a particularly transparent person and such will be expected in the future, but wonder what would happen if I falsify my inner thoughts?


I was thinking about a fact that was shared yesterday that to make the conclusion simple (though it was well thought out,presented and complex) we only process 0.00000005 percent of the information that our brain receives. This was a wonderful thought. It was produced in this situation to become supporting evidence that we do not comprehend very much of our actual existence, and by comprehend I refer to only the part that we perceive with our 5 senses. Anyhow, this was used to support the idea that we perhaps live in a different realm, one of spirit..... ok, that was all back story, now that we are on the same page, let me extrapolate:

Lately, people are becoming outraged at their supposed "freedoms" being manipulated. In particular I am referring to internet security. because they are aware of being known to others it is not they who wish to change actions, but find way to remain secret. Well, I was thinking that actually we have been spied on constantly, mostly unaware, by a spiritual world that we cannot even be aware of in the sense that we mark awareness.

I had been taught about things such as angels who mark my every thought and deed and have guarded myself accordingly, but what can we do to mask feelings even if we can control thoughts and actions?I sorta feel ridiculous praying certain things because I know that I am only vocalizing them for my own benefit anyway...

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


 -get familiar with Ezekiel by reading the book of that title at least 20 times, then look for as much biographical data I can, then reread the book pausing to make certain notes.

-do whatsoever I can in body as well as mind to prepare myself and temple: Sephirot, and crown.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Not sure what it means

 Though I am not sure what it means, I am sure it means something.... sorta like those mashed potatoes on "Close Encounters ..." I often WANT to do multiple things at once, but there are certain things that I CANNOT do at the same time. I decided that a person cannot multi-task, due to focus.

But as I was considering how many things have a duality about them, much as I was just listening to a teacher tell about how a particular writing had multiple meanings at once. I was talking about this very concept this morning as I read to my children though their eyes were closed. I told them that was good it gave fewer things for the mind to process. Secretly, I wondered if spiritual things actually prefer to not be processed and that led me to consider if they even could I think of how many people confuse things not processed by a firm understanding, like emotions with spirituality. It is true that neither are seen, but can be sensed, but it does not mean they cannot exist without the other. If I am not careful I will let that idea run away with me, because I have so much to say about it....but for now, I want to address why I cannot listen to music and read at the same time. They sort of involve different senses, and ought to use different places in my brain to be compiled/understood, yet, I notice I cannot do them simultaneously as I once could... this could be due to age, but I have another hypothesis.

I often think of the young king David and how strong his faith was. I decided it is mostly due to his naivety. When less space is filled with thought the more a soul must rely on faith.

Also, when I was in the hospital recovering, they performed tests to see the level of recovery in my detectable sensations because they could not seem to understand why I could not do certain things. One test involved me closing my eyes while I was poked with a sharp pin and ask if I felt it. from my responses they mapped out my hand so I could see it. I still sustained nerve damage, but enough nerves were responding well to the point that practically any gross motor skill could be performed, but others?well, the projected that no amount of learning would lead to recovery or progress. Now. with that test as a given, I am wondering if there are other senses that just won't learn either, or are not functioning properly and I am not aware... my eyes are sort of permanently closed to them. It is frustrating!!