Friday, November 27, 2020

Bad case of Demoitis

 My son is AMAZING!! and I am not saying it because I am his mother, but as I was listening to a piece on repeat. At first I was upset by the rhythm mistakes, and intended to change them, so I was listening on repeat, and I started singing along, not realizing that the melody I was singing was not actually included in the piece. I decided to rewrite it, but so I would recall I made a brief video with the vocal part by me, making it sound doubly worse. I kept telling myself it was just for a demo so that I would have a frame of reference.

Now, I had heard a producer comment on how people get demoitis trying  to recreate what they recorded as a demo, and then to the chagrin of the producer who is trying to help produce an ultimately better sound, the artists, cling to what was originally heard in the demo. I giggled go myself, thinking it sounded ridiculous, but now, as I listen to the recorded video I do not even hear the tracks as being out of sync, but as some new sort of sound that I do not even know how to recreate. It is like tossing a piece of trash and it landing in a perfect spot that could not be imitated if tried.

So, I have a bad case of Demoitis...

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 Would the good guy lose to the bad guy because he was bad once  loosing favor whereas the evildoer is atleast honest and known in the bad he has done. Ok,I tried to cover too many scenarios that I fear I actually covered one and instead mad myself a joke.

I was thinking about how a person changes over time but, seems to stop or sort of pause at a certain age and then decline or atrophy sets in. I was considering the evils of comparison, mostly, at this time, I was thinking of how I often compare my state to that of older or younger, the younger still only full of potential, the old only full of memories of who they once were. it was such thoughts that gave way to the  notion that I might feel older, but I will never be old when my parents are no longer living. They seem young to me. but as I get old I feel so unable, although my parents are much older and they are still fully capable of so many things. So, out of respect, I cannot complain about myself for experiencing ravishes of age when my parents are still quite vivacious.

secondly, I was thinking about what I was telling my kids. that being healthy mattered, but not to fret over looking other than they may want. it is utterly rediculous to want to all look the same. We are all different in color, size, shape, whatnot. for instance. I am just a smaller person, I ate in a way that would be justified by only a very large person, but their father is a large person, although he eats very sensibly. It is merely his size, regardless. I tell them the same thing. I used to lament being so slight and little and not the size and shape other think is most ideal. but, in my PBI amoften told what a blessing it is to have the health and means to accomplish the desires of my heart. That does not have anything to do with size shape of being wealthy. It is just easier to deal with being a certain way, but,I was too small when younger, and now, too large. I have thwarted death, and been very healthy for a very long time, though, but the small window when I looked ideal was sad to loose after I finally gained it. Point is, it doesn't matter.

Nick brought up that when the brother of Jared saw Jesus Christ, he had not yet been born. we thought many deep thoughts about what we might to look like in spirit and if we would be aware of what we ought to look like to be perfect.  

 That make me think of a movie where a guy is crippled and barely able to walk, then, in spirit (after death) he is seen helping others, and is barely recognizable. I wondered which the actor truly looked like ontop of wondering if every resurrected man would truly appear different or simply like his spirit, yeah, I always wonder about how when Jesus is resurrected he still has prints in his hands and feet. There is another film where it is explained, in depth, what events are prophesied concerning the last days of man kind. in it, Armageddon is discussed and how whe Jesus comes to rescue his people, they will run to him so excited that their messiah had come. But, then they see the marks in his hands and feet and ask about them. He explains that those are wounds he got when visiting his friends. And then, together as a nation the Israelis will realize who he is and was. So, in his case I can understand why his resurrected body retained such imperfections,but Moroni looked great for a dead guy!