Wednesday, July 27, 2022

ancient society vs. modern society

I have often pondered on miracles like David slaying Goliath, so naturally, I apply such truths across the board to my life and diet struggles to my contemplation of ancient society, and it comes back to a thing someone said in an email once. They were advising me regarding parenting, without the aid of my spouse, because we were separated pending  a divorce, and what this friend said often returns as I contemplate things, and it came from the mouth of another to help me in my situation at the time. It was, "mother's who know do less."

First, I want to apply that to David and Goliath...meaning any seemingly u surmountable thing. Looking back it is obvious how little was actually us and more was the hand of providence, oh heck, I'll say it. It was God. There is a line in a movie that also sticks in my memory where a young Wilford Woodruff is contemplating the great miracles and prophets of the past (so I think it applies to David). Wilford says, "preacher says such miracles and such in that past are not necessary today because of our great faith." But, I have always been taught and believe 100% that miracles are a product of faith. And then Wilford continues, "I say, then give me those miracles and prophets, etc." Not sure of who says what, that is how I remember it:

My conclusion this morning is that in the past as well as our past we struggle to understand and it is like how a teen rebels and wants to do things on their own, and I think that is part of the trajectory here, but like teens. Men think that they "know it all" when the more we know the less we need to just believe and I think greater things were accomplished when we relied on faith than when we relied. Our own ability and Intelligence. Still, I think we are supposed to grow up and learn to do things for ourselves, but I suspect we will find how dismal our accomplishments will be when compared to those of past/ignorant civilizations.

I don't have the time to elaborate, but I wanted to mention that this is evidence that this "life" is merely a stepping stone.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

my diet failure?

This diet was working! I had gained weight occasionally, but as long as I maintained it, I would eventually loose in the end. But I was on one of my ups, but it lasted longer than they typically do and I was trying to figure out what was going on. I had been ignorantly following the plan as determined by pressing a few buttons on my phone. I did not understand the science but, knew that it worked, even my husband commented that it was making a noticeable difference. But, I had noticed that the trends seemed to result as per metabolic confusion or some other diet change, that intern seemed like the fasting was working because I wanted it to, but clearly my body had caught on to what was happening and though my lifestyle was prepared to change forever, the effect would not. I was really upset about it, untilI was doing a but of reading about this new diet, and I learned that the effects are scientific, or maybe better understood as the effect is directly influenced by adherence, not some magical formula that predicted the hours and days of fasting. Further, it was commented on what a benefit the flexibility of it was. Both, In what one could eat and when. I was determined that my weight loss fluctuated because of what I ate, or what time, but that has practically no influence on the abstaining influence. If the effect is not felt, it could be that you do not notice it anymore or it could be to notice greater effect more fasting meaning longer time might be required for certain phases especially, when my blood sugar levels have been commented on a tested to be abnormally high, it stands to reason that it would take longer to lower the blood sugar and thus longer to reach autophagy. And, the great results at first were likely psychosomatic, and why I considered them to be so similar to other diets. It is a definite cause and effect that if I go for 18 hours without eating it will effect my physiology. I have noticed a definite effect in my cravings and desires, and my appreciation of other things.

The best thing about this diet is that it is honest. It is based on the principle of moderation. Indulging has an obvious effect, so fasting is the opposite and neither ought to be done without the other too much of one thing will surely desensitized a body.

It further makes sense that a healthy person would not indefinitely loose weight. My BMI snapped to it's  recommended Ideal, and I am not at all over weight, to be less would be unhealthy, and Why would I want that anyway? I always notice that when I exercise I gain weight, but I do not say that means exercise it bad. It likely says that muscle weight more than fat mass.  My clothes fit and that should be enough. I want to be thinner than I was, but my grandmother told me not to get sucked into wasting my time and effort of being skinny. She did and felt good about it at the time, but really she could have used her time better, and she just looks sickly in retrospect...kinda like looking at high hair in old pictures. At the time is seemed cool, but it is not natural and was purely a passing fad.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

do you ever feel like ground beef?

You used to be worshipped in some countries, you were part of a cow, for crying out loud, give some respect!
Still, now you have been salvaged and ground up to feed some hungry children, but this must be a low point for you, you should've been part of something incredible or a steak or something,  but look at it like this: at least you aren't being used for meatloaf.

OK, this thought came while I was browning the meat for my hamburger helper. I was listening to the talk for church, waking the kids for breakfast while steeping tea for me and practicing piano to set a proper mood when I heard the sizzling from the stove top. I yelled over my shoulder, "yeah, I hear you already, just a moment." I finished the chorus, jumped up and ran to the meat, and laughed to myself about the lesson I was getting.Often we feel like we have reached our potential, we sizzle and pop trying to get God's attention, but like Elijah said to the priests of baal, um. Maybe he is too busy right now, or isn't listening. But, God does hear and has a purpose for you, and is waiting for you to find your correct state, you only think you are overdue. Or maybe you imagined a different purpose and the conflicts were endured with that purpose as your aim, but, you were being perfected for a different you least understand or expect, but remember their source. Would I just overcook ground beef for no reason? No, that is why I shouted back that I hear your warning sizzles, you are ripening, I am coming. You will meet your purpose, and it will make my children happier than having a cow over for dinner!