Monday, August 31, 2015

why cancer would be too easy

I was thinking about how we We are told to be mindful of others because we do not know what they are presently going through. And each trial is suited for the one who endures it. It is to help them get stronger.

I have gone through suicidal times and I realized it was a trial suited to me, I was not lucky enough to be stricken with Cancer, because death is no struggle for me because I am too self centered.

I have seen in movies where to truly torture them or get information they do not threaten the life of the torture subject, but, the lives of others.

It is a matter of finding what matters to the individual. For me cancer just doesn't paint me into any corners or make me desperate, so there's a tip do not threaten to take my life, my concern is not too high for me or for you. Or I would protest you being punished for killing me, but right now, I feel rather apathetic.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

brain dump

From St. John we come to church to hear God's word.

Favorite part of many to remember was not spiritual per se, but a thing that the leader did to show they were human and silly, too.

Girls welcomed a girl who came late and that was important to feel accepted.

Gospel is black and white, and found a scripture to support it like one always will if it is good and inspired of God.

Girls camp taught how important "life checks" are to make sure we are always 100 percent doing what is good. Often we do not even realize or take note of the others who are watching us to see what we will do.

Top ten things learned at girls camp:
1)Good Habits save us.
2) Being organized helps things run smoother
3) Origin of snakes
4) some one will always help
5)jokes don't get old
7) Girls have better water fights than scouts.
8) Things are Black and White in the Gospel

(I do not remember the others)

God will help if all we have is a desire to know. Look in the scriptures to find the truth.

Testimony of church, program, and prophets, she does in no way doubt anything about or taught therein is not true.

It is important to stepback and see the larger picture and we can see the beauty of how everything fits together.

Example of a plain ugly rock and then a piece of puzzle if we focus on the piece and fail to understand the place we occupy or the eternal perspective,the little piece doesn't look at all like the final puzzle, and focusing on it will not do any good.

Hold fast to what you know and more will come. (Example that comes to mind immediately is how

We are all at different stages. Maybe say things in the hall when you see a youth, you will be strengthened by associating with such strong people.

YW in particular glow and radiate so much when they are having good days!!!

We do not even know what the rest of the world is going through.

We are here on earth to learn to become like Jesus Christ. And it is a sacrifice so it reminds us of the Lord's sacrifice.

The temples and such have already been promised to us so .

The word lucky doesn't translate, but blessing or being blessed does.

Neither us or our children would not have the testimonies we do without paying our tithing.

It is an acknowledgement of our gratitude in being able to pay.

My dad used to say how the miracle of tithing is that you are blessed to know how to use the funds.

"I can do more with 90% and blessings than I could do with 100% anyway."

We can donate and the Lord knows better how to use those funds.

We can be truly annonymous in giving to others by stating such on the tithing slip, it will never be known by the other review

Bravery goes with sunlight, but campfire pushes back darkness.

In the movie Castaway, the man had no religion.

It is not as significant when is Sabbath, but that you do remember the Lord, we need to have such a worshipful sundays as when we need it like alone in the dark.

When your family accepts the gospel even though you were good already, you are strengthened and improve, most note eternal perspective.

Mention is made of good people who try to do right without revelation and inspiration of the gospel.

(The example for me was my parents who it was threatened they were disowned if they joined the church, they did and my grandparents notice the huge differences between my parents children and my cousins and they are very good church attending people, but you can see the difference in lifestyle and accomplishments.

Sunday, August 23, 2015


My thoughts begin (for the sake of otherwho might try to follow, note this is not situational or chronological.) First it is a scene from Dune where the Benejesert Mother has cone to test Paul and his mother,lady Jessica fears for him, but he survives the trial of the box proving his worth. The mother says that she senses his mother's teachings. This scene is important to all else because it says that so,much of what we do is a result of the things that we have been taught.

Next thought came as a result of the movie 17 Miracles. There is a comment made in the credits that tells that in the research of the stories the one of Sarah Frankes and George Padily(which is by far my favorite and I figured it was the most holywoodized). It says that theirs was one of the greatest love stories ever. James E. Faust, who was favored by me already, actually had the two sealed although they were never married. My father-in-law said such a thing was not allowed. But, I was not making it up. I pondered and at one point researched what of Sarah's children, with the man who she did marry. I remembered what Jesus said when he was asked a similar question about who would be together in a crazy circumstance, he just said that those who asked did not understand marraige.

As a member of a church with the full gospel in the latter days, I knew that there was so much that I did not understand yet, but it was available to be understood and this was such a morsel. It has always been a top concern of mine who my children would be "sealed" to, but through this movie, today I realized a new concept to share that even though we do understand many great and significant things pertaining to families, we do not openly knowand accept the eternal nature of our eternal situation of families. But, really how could we in our perceptions honestly percieve many things. This must I fully believe that the most important thing we need in this life is our choice of companion. We have solemn duties to our children but most important is to enable them the true happiness that can only be found through being sealed to a worthy eternal companion(equally yoked means we will have to compare and judge the worth although worth might be more potential).

Monday, August 10, 2015

10 years ago

Ten years to this day I was released from the hospital and told it might take a short time to fully recover, if I did at all. I looked up recovery times for Brain Injuries and a short time was 10 years, and I can eat, walk, and talk, but I am unable to take consolation from the fact that I was young and more likely to recover. Wow TEN years later. And I felt old then...

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Regarding prayer

One could say so much about prayers, but this morning my thoughts were overflowing with this one thought that God already knows what we need before we realize it, and yet we beg him. It is because we know that he has the power to help us.
While I was thinking about this, I remembered a thing my Dad and mom told my older brother about our Algebra teacher, Mr. Vebee.

My dad was struggling in his class, although he is an incredibly bright student. My mother just aces the class, as with all of her classes. It seemed she knew what was required and did it. Both my older brother and I had this same teacher, funny my best friend was his aide, and my brothers age, further strange is that my cousin now teaches in that very classroom. Anyhow, the Teacher had decided that my brother took after my father, and so, my brother struggled, but was offered help at any time, which he seemed to refuse, and so the teacher decided that he did not have my mother's nature, but took after my dad. So, backstory over my parents were explaining to my brother how he needed to take advantage of the help offerred. It did not imply that he was stupid, but that the teacher needed to see that he would be humble enough to do what was required, and my brother did not need to be taught how to do math, but how to live life.

Today, my thought, "what's that, Pythagoras?", is that praying is for our benefit. It is an act of humility to acknowledge that we need help and are willing to recieve it.

I have a better story to tell about memorizing pi to 100 digits, but it has very little to do with the subject matter, so I will give it mention, lest I forget it forever, but I will not tell it at this point.

Friday, August 7, 2015

prayer songs

I cannot remember if it is that songs are prayers of the heart or prayers are songs of the heart. My memory is getting senile, this morning my son said that someone was dead. But, they were absolutely not dead. Do I told him that they were not dead and he assured me it was alright, it was just his body, we will see him again. It really was so cute that I wanted to remember it, but I cannot remember who it was. It was someone on tv because I told him that I could just turn on the tv if I wanted to see him.again. He got so excited and thought it was so cool that dead people could still make movies for us. Oh well, the point of the anecdote was to demonstrate how terrible my memory is.

It was decided that no matter how the phrase goes, I tend to write songs when I long to pray about something which is pretty much all of the time. I am going to start Jotting down my prayers Incase I ever meet a famine of songs. There is definately an abundance of songs to write right now. I suppose it is why they used the phrase "my heart sings".

I cannot recall how I came across it, but somewhere, somehow I heard a comment made by Regina Specktor about how she has a vast backlog of song ideas.