Monday, November 2, 2015

What I learned about fasting

Yesterday, I knew that I needed help, so I Decided to be exactly obedient instead of haphazardly fast. My children wanted to say my prayer with me, so I obliged. They decided to fast all night in their beds. :) Anyhow, we prayed that we would understand fasting better.

I learned that the Lord does answer our prayers. One girl, a couple of years ago, said she taught on her mission that fasting was prayer on steroids.

As I taught things about fasting to my. Children, I could tell my mind was filling up with brilliant ideas. One was about how it was not really a commandment. That explained why dad never fasted. But, my own thought that I kept to myself was that if you have a health reason not to fast, that is,exactly when you need to. But, it is not a commandment or obligation, and if you need to rely on man, do so. Fasting is only sort of a spiritual way of kissing or showing your unexacted devotion to your creator.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Faith is action

There is a huge Gulf between what people say and what they do,  and until the gap is bridged mankind will be seperated from God, and from Heaven.

I used to get excited about the word "Action". Because, something must be done, not just said, like the scripture:

25 Forasmuch as this people draw near unto me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their hearts far from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the precepts of men.

This is from the book of Mormon where The prophet quotes Isaiah, and I quote him, funny, huh. But, his purpose was to excite people to act as was Isaiah's. And, it is always the case when a prophet of God comes to try to help reunite the people of Earth with their creator.

The prophet paul mentioned a thing I have heard a song of, grace. To me, grace is essential, and Paul was not denying it, just as none can deny evolution. It is essential to do things that must be done. We need grace to ever even be acceptable vessels fit for Heavenly life,  but, grace without works profetteth(is that a word, maybe mispelled) nothing. But, what is work? No, really, define it. My son asked me the otherday what work was when I told him successful families are founded on many things including work. He said, "Yeah, Dad goes to work all the time!" And when I told him, not that kind of work, he asked " What is work?" The best way I could tell him was doing something.

I had heard it before and so it came to my mind again this morning, as I thought on this, that faith is an action word. In other words, it is a verb. So the key to turning earth into a Heaven is believing.