Friday, August 26, 2016

And such I would say...

I thought, "hey suppose the world really cared to listen to anything you had to say? Would you really say anything, then?" You bet I would, most of what I say is to the wind, which is to say it us said with no particular destination or audience in mind. But, what would I say if it was intended to be heard/understood?

I would want a conversation, in order to align my comments to what was understood as I am accustomed to, else it would be very cryptic and if understood, likely wrong. That is exactly what I would discuss.

It troubles me how we develop a structure to ideas and thoughts and then fit them to it to determine truth. I do it too, calling it my wall,each brick is well examined before it is allowed to become part of my building. But, hustory is built upon. The best example of what I mean is demonstrated by the work of a people called the Hoffa from the tv show Stargate Atlantis. The people do not start over to solve their problem each time their culture is dessimated by the wraith, they work hard to create the proverbial wheel so that future generations will not have to waste their time doing that. Each generation is able to probe farther than their predecessors to reach a goal. Make sense?

Ok, well, the trouble is that there is no one alive to validate, so a sort of multigenerational faith needs to be. Another way to think of it would be maybe gravity. No one spends time arguing with a physics professor about an equation that includes gravity as a constant, but I doubt he has any personal knowledge of how he knows it is correct. For instance, I was always given a constant number to include for the acceleration of gravity and I never questioned it out loud.

To even communicate with one another we need to agree that certain sounds represent ideas, etc. But take color for instant, we know what everyone refers to as blue, but how do we know what blue really is? Communication takes faith.

I am getting to my issue. Too many people get frustrated when their ideas of truth do not agree, which means not that they are being more reasonable, but value faith in one thing over another.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Kindergarten / death

Likely, I am alone in equating Kindergarten to death, but I still have the same feeling about them, and it isn't the typical remorse.

The reason I even thought this was because I was searching myself to know if I lacked feeling or something, cause sending my kids to kindergarten was not emotional like people say it is.

It is true that I am happy, and a bit excited mixed with anxiety, but I feel the same way I do about seeing a loved one who leaves mortality and goes alone to a place I do not really want to follow yet, but am happy for them.

My children know they can depend on me 100% and the farwell is only temporary. That helps, and makes the walk home very full of conversation!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Pandora / God connection

First off, if God speaks to us through media, it makes sense that he would use music. In fact, I read a quote that says that music carries a message to our hearts.

Also, when we hear of Heaven and angels, they are always singing or in the attitude of doing so.

My thought was about what a miracle Pandora is. I mean, personal radio for each of us. It makes one understand how God could possibly answer so many prayers, like the movie Bruce Almighty poked fun at.

I mean, however they use their gleaning algorithms, I end up hearing just tge right song at just the right time, no matter what time or station. Uncanny and this is just the product of mankind's ingenuity, imagine a God!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Shakespeare and David

I actually do not know why I hadn't seen it earlier, it seems obvious that David was to the tribes of Israel, more particularly, the house of Judah, what Shakespeare represents to us. That is why I love the story told in the movie "Anonymous" so much.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Oh, really?

I was interrupted from trying to think things through by this thought:

"The more one judges, the less one loves.”

― Honore de Balzac

And I must comment before I have any good thoughts.  If this is the case, the judgement must not be a correct one, as it does not involve love. So, if you judge someone liveable then it must paradoxically not be true.

Space elevator

Today, I was thinking about the possibility of an elevator to outerspace and it is reasonably possible, and yet people assume it is impossible, regardless of the science that proves it. It harkens the memory of a tower of Babel. I am sure it was foremost in your  thoughts when you read the title of this post even. And that is what made me really think about.

It was said that the Bible was not what it is claimed to have been, and that it's stories are not first hand accounts but tales recorded much later by scholars, be they religious scholars, to help an agenda. In this vein, the religious undertone of this tale is that man must be that man never assume they can perform on an equal level as God, the omnipotent. Because men tried to assert their challenging power, their languages were confused, teaching them humility and need. It also explained how so many languages came to be, like the great Greek Epics and stories of diety explain anything that seemed magical on could not be explained by any other means yet known. Thereby, man could explain Everything, and was born the common saying, that it was the will of the gods.

But, while I was thinking about a group of relgious scribes writting stories to assert control over their anxious peoples, I thought, "well played. Centuries later, we still believe that man cannot reach God." That is when I realized that my very disbelief is a testimony that Bible stories are true, wether or not they are factual, or as we, modernly consider accurate.

Sure, there are many things that are possible, but ought not be done, and the thing that holds me in my place is not the story of a group of men who united to try to achieve a thing greater than God, it is that it is better to be humble, that is true, ragardless how it is learned and it has not become a variable in any great equation that I know of yet,  but it restrains my belief and by so doing has more power than any scientific fact.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Role playing

As I considered stories I had created in my mind to explain things like myself, I created the finest story yet. This story was how mankind was manipulated and molded by a being with comprehension beyond our own.

This thought, though so longvto write out, came in an instant,  and with it, another similar story or way to comprehend what I could not understand in it's actual form. I thought of all of the simple little games my children play and seem to have so much fun playing that I want to play, too. It has lead to playing with dolls, cars and blocks, and even plastic food. But, more interestingly pertinent is rpg on the pc.

This realization explained to me why any "god" would want to live among men.


I want to understand baptism, no one has talked or taught me about why so many Jews saught John the baptist, andcwhy he was killed. Why are they no longer baptized?

Monday, August 8, 2016

Who has the right?

Supposedly, it is determined that God was on your side as a king if you won in battle. That makes sense, but if David is responsible for killing Bathsheba's husband, by putting him on the front line, how is that murder, unless he did not believe God was going to protect his army....something that requires thought.