Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Doing nothing

I am constantly made aware of how doing nothing is actually something. It is a choice. Choosing to say nothing is a lie and choosing to do nothing is a sin. Both,although not always true mark a character as either dumb or unwilling (see what I did there?)

Lately, I have been noticing how a thing was clearly the correct choice, but the opportunity was allowed to come and pass and that is just as wrong as actually doing something if it was wrong. Which prompts me to point out how important it is to know what the right thing to do is and why God has boldly spoken several times about being lukewarm, fence sitting, or just procrastinating.

We have this idea that it is good to just take time for things, patience is a virtue, and it is, but sex is also a blessing, but not in every situation.

I heard before how the gospel was likened to a train that is always moving toward a destination, it is not enough to have been good once, but to be good continually and moving towards our goal, or else we are moving away in not doing anything.

I could speak in particulars, but that might loose any wisdom for those who do not understand things exactly the same way. I had a very funny instructor tell his class to sign up for a thing, then afterwards noted that he couldnot understand some handwriting. He compared our miscommunication not as any failure. The information was good, but obviously some had a different instructor when learning penmenship. Oh, sooooooo true. I think this subtle comment regarding communication via handwriting has deeper implications to communicating using any means to others.

I got terribly side-tracked. I just wanted to actually say how terrible it is to not do a thing when we know it is right. Like SCUBA after a rescue class our instructor explained to us that if he imparted his knowledge we would be expected to help others in need. In that class we also learned CPR. We all know the stories that try to justify not helping out when we might have saved a life because of a fear of being sued later. That becomes the perfect metaphor for why so many people do not act. I heard once it said, "If God will really hear our prayers I will pray less." Or " If we had a similar experience as Joseph Smith every time we prayed we would pray less." Don't you think Satan knows that? Ben Folds says, "Do It Anyway!"

Last thing that really impressed me a lot was a comment I heard last week. "It is hard to know what to do, so if we wonder if it was inspired or not, we act on it, just incase." If it is true then we find our confirmation by doing something!

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