Thursday, August 23, 2018

Storage of thoughts

I am storing up feel good thoughts. I guess it is a hobby. If you ever hear good advice in word form send it my way.

I am storing them up in times of need. The first one is probably the biggest one to me and strangely it does only me good and will have practically no value to anyone else. I still cannot believe it. It was a compliment that I instead of just accepting and reveling in I assume it was only said to feel better about all the work I am doing.

This is what was said, " I really like your handwriting." And that is why I am asking you to write all of the lables for me.

Now, the reason that means so much to me, if true, is that it is a real shortcoming of mine. It is alot like I have always thought I was sooo ugly. It is refreshing to think that others might actually appreciate things I see as terrible. I had decided that maybe my perception of things was slightly off from what others percieved. A teacher once put it this way: "It is not like the extremely wierd or handicapped person realizes they are. Maybe I am one."

My handwiting is terrible. It has Always been that way, but maybe what I think is horrible because it is not like everyone else's, someone else admires. I like that thought.

The second thought is about a girl who had a huge crises where she began to doubt everything she thought was true simply because she had been so positive about something that was wrong. And amid extending to post trauma, she looked outward and wanted to help others in a similar situation. She mentioned all the residual pain and guilt. I actually ought to have suffered the same fate, but unknowingly maybe I struggled through and am not aware of any pain or heartache.

Likewise, when my older children moved away, almost everyone mourned for me like it was pretty much too much for a person to endure. But, maybe I am unfeeling or something (maybe I just understand things better) because I was not a basket case.

I do have alot of unassigned depression😥 but I just do not think it is the same thing.

Lastly, I often think of a comment some guy off handedly made about how oddly shaped the Egyptians must've been. The images recorded of them show women with very high waistlines and a curving bulge for their tummy, combined with the previous girl's rant about the harm that having ones mind bombarded with unrealistic images of what a woman's body looks like. I giggle to think that those hieroglyphics might me an Egyptian equalivant of magazines and they were trying to portray a woman's body the way that pleased them and women who were too thin or shaped the modernly preferred way were sad and tried everything to try and look right.

The main point for me is that perhaps someone appreciates my body for what it is. It truly is a bit on the strange side. But, someone loves it, preferred beauty changes.

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