Saturday, November 3, 2018

Regarding talents

My thoughts began on a personal matter. I feel as strongly as if I had been spoken to and Yet I have not formally, nor would I particularly want to, been spoken to.

Recently, My children started a discussion regarding the parable taught by Jesus of the master who gave his servants "talents" (or in other words, money). As we talked about how everyone was given something to be responsible for my daughter cried out that it was not fair. Which lead to the priciple I learned this morning. It does not even matter how much we are given as much as it does what we do with what we are given.

I have been noticing throughout my lifetime how often the greatest abilities are "unearthed" reluctantly. So, I could not help but notice this similarity to the parable of the talents. For me, it is teaching. I enjoy this and have noticeda skill that is sort of inborn. Many things I learn or see others do falls exactly in line with my nature and things that I already do. So, foolishly, I thought, "Well, guess I already have that ability. Next." But, that is not what we are supposed to do.

As a temple attending member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I have promised to give what skill I have to God and this is used to build the kingdom of God on earth. But, but, teaching? Yes, it is actually one of the most significant duties of all because a person recieves direction and personality through guided instruction recievedin early years. (I giggle a bit because early was a spelling word for Mary this week and we learned it in a silly way, but it will NEVER beforgotten).

The whole point of writting was to document my answer regarding wether or not I wanted to continue working on this talent by going to school to learn how to gain legitimacy/motivation and command respect, because I already know what ought to be taught and why and I stink at the how part. And I really do not want to keep doing something I am terrible at, but that is exactly how to bury a talent instead of developing it. I know for a fact that I should keep working on developing this ability, and do my part to make this world better, and if I help only one person be better it will have not been in vain!

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