Friday, October 24, 2014


I know that my focus should not be explaining ideas!

Focus has many useful examples. In our education we are to chose a focus and are assigned an advisor to help us do so, because Naturally, I did not want to focus. But, my father explained that by choosing a particular area to master and come to understand at a deeper level we will be able to understand the deeper levels in other things around us.

My father will make an incredible master of a world. He is the most,amirable of men in wisdom and in music. I bet there is no coincidence in that.

This morning it was a thought about news papers and how the best way to stay aware would be to focus on learning your new information through one source.

I think men are purposely wired to not be able to consider everything at once so that they would come to understand the greater complexities by choosing a singular focus.

I am not a good example of focus, because I am what is known as a jack of all trades, master of none. Because, like happens in relationships, I am fascinated too easily and bored too easily.

In college, I worked around the system put in place to guide me and took all sorts of classes that interested me instead of focusing on one. Then, on Twitter, I try for diversity of sources to follow instead of looking for the diversity in one. Maybe, I will do over.but, why does it feel like I am talking about killing others just to stop following them all to allow me to focus on those I do. Infact, if I follow wisely, I can still stay current on all information.

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