Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Nature vs Nuture

Now, that I understand, I don't really recommend knowing it is sort of like trying to open a package with a two-sided pair if scissors that will harm you if you harm the packaging. But, unharmed the package is secretly potential nagging at you, and it is obvious to everyone that I blabber, or relate and equalize by sharing the advantages, but in this case, I wonder if I even should tell you what I gained, because I.do not know what you are willing to loose

It became obvious to me a few days ago, but my most important example was only recently shown to,me. My husband has had incredible and laudibly, a most desirable nurturing, and so he assumed that I am a product of my incredible nurturing. That got me curious and started my whole contemplation of this matter.

But, the other day an example was more perfect. We both took in the same words (hence we received the same nurturing) but it effected us completely differently. Now, I can see a valid argument forming that obviously the time of pur nurture in the past formed our current natures thus our perceptions which are obviously different.

To me, it is something else. It actually determines our sex, the thing we define as our nature or our heart as in "listen to your heart" it is actually our already matured spirits. And that, is the most difficult thing for me to accept. My spirit is not compatible with Nick's. It was his nature that rejected the gospel and makes him so resistant to it.

Given the same opportunities he will almost always choose a seperate path. Whereas, the truth that I learned and misunderstood was that those without great opportunities end up worse off and overlooked when their spirits would have chosen such great things had they been given the chance.

It is true that we will get needed opportunities, I had assumed that my husband and I just had differences that provided strength, so when we had completely different effects of the same nurturing, it was of greater consequence because it answered a deeper but same question. Is it better to could or would?

I married Nick who had not chosen very well in the past because at least he could whereas that would be better than choosing to chase another who in best case scenario only would if he could. But, when you start to understand nurture vs. nature it helps us understand why people do things, and it is my goal to find a diamond in the rough, but I wanted to find someone who would, or had a similar nature. And now, I am so upset and almost inconsolable because I see why Nick behaves so differently than would,be expected by me but it is so expected and he finds many "kindred spirits" in the world around himself. Fundamentally, there are many who have the same "heart"as he does. And what makes him so precious,is how,much he has accomplished in this life, despite what he started with.

I have heard before people say things like, "you just have an old spirit." Or even, "I was [ so and so ] in another life." Such ideas are attractive because they explain parts of our understanding that langue fails to define.