Friday, October 30, 2020

skin color, thought

Watching a video conference between two "White" people, and I was struck to notice something that might be seen as common was not at all common. One man's skin looked pinkish at it's base where the other man had a base that I recognized as I had been called "jaundice girl" and struggled to find makeup that matched my skin tone as My sisters all wore the same color as my mom, but I could not. Whatever color this dude was, so am I. I wanted to think about what causes the color, and that makes me think about what about an electron changes the perception of a color. Think, think, think...

Whenever we trace order back we find the origin in intelligence, not in a substance that created the order, that is a very good thought that can be at last understood by considering every possible occurrence can be summed up as either being acted upon or acting upon. It terms of the origin of life it supports intelligent design and not bang there it is......another thing to think about... just this morning I was thinking about Pascal's Wager and feeling good about it, but if my mind ever attempts to drift this thought will surely snap me back to a greater truth, that all thinking extended purposefully would return unanswered which would in itself prove intelligence..... j'ai du travaille

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