Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Think I just solved the creation/evoltuion thingy

Ok, I heard a thing that was one of those buttons that set off a chain reaction. It all started beause I heard this: "... is man found on the earth?" It is leading up to a descision to create man where God does so in Gen 1:26 - "¶ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness"

But, and I do not want to be thought that I was running crazy with my thoughts and just off on an unnecessary tangent, so I wondered where the idea to represent God as asking if Man could be found yet is recorded. Cause, frankly, I had never even thought much of it. I wanted to include such documentation here, but could not actually find it. Perhaps it is just someone's idea believed long enough to almost become a fact in itself.

I had had questions back in my teens about Dinosaurs, cause I wanted to be a paleontologist. I asked this scholar dude how to make sense of time frames given for dinosaurs. The commonly taught reckoning of time that places Jesus Christ at the middle makes the Earth not as old as the Dinosaur bones. The scholar easily explained it like this: because in the creation God used matter to form the Earth, and fossils, it is assumed, lived on "Earth" but, it is possible the dinosaurs never lived on earth, but that they had lived on some of the matter that was organized to form the Earth. That was easy enough. It proved to me that there is always a way to explain a problem away. It doesn't mean the explination is right. It just explains that things cannot be instantly rejected as right or wrong either

Now, regarding evolution... I wondered if man may have similarly already existed on the chunks used to form the earth, or maybe some runaway people decided to live on the Earth cause it was so ideal. But, my next explination made the most sense. We know that things evolve. It is foolish to say that an ape could not evolve into a man when so much DNA is shared, but why does it no longer happen or constantly happen? There ought to be new species evolving to form man, but I don't think there are any. Anyhow, God knew evolution was possible. It could have been used as s tool to create man, but he searched the earth and did not find any man on it. 

He created this paradise intended for mankind, so he created them (¶ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness) Our Likeness? So, not only does the Bible talk about a CREATION  of man, but, a plural God (with a plural pronoun "our").

What I was really most excited about was another possibility that proved both evolution and creation. I had accepted the idea that evolution was merely a method of creation. I cannot explain away evolution. It surely DOES happen, and yet, man was searched for and not found on the earth and so needed to be created. Maybe, this idea is another evidence that man was created not evolved (without tossing the notion of evolution away).

1 comment:

Melissah said...

I had watched a movie that reinacted a struggle Charles Darwin endured trying to deny evolution because it demolished his faith, but I was excited now, because both can believed and though I am sure it has occurred to others already, I wanted to document my findings in case it helps anyone else.