Saturday, May 6, 2017

Sex and love are not the same thing

Ofcourse when it asks sex on paperwork it is not referring at all to love.  I think somewhere along the line things got confused. Sure, sex in that context refers to the sort of being we are in regards to making a family.

A church I have been instructed clearly that marriage should be between a man and a woman. But, because so many peopke translate that to saying that love should only be between a man and a woman.  It does not and it sort of frustrates me a bit that people get so up in arms about  defining love by gender. That makes NO sense. Sexual love only makes sense when gender is an issue, but every child who gets to live understands that. Families, referring to a way to propigate, have a man and woman for less obvious reasons, too. Sure a child could possibly be raised by one sex, that is not anything anyone ever questioned. But, for the best possible arrangement children ought to be raised with two distinct viewpoints and abilities designed to generate a world of balance and love.

I grew up being taught that certain desires and appetites were inborn and by design to create a strong enough bond to create a strong family. But, that is not a thing I call love it is like a reflex, how we love food or music, a preference. The trouble arrises when the question of " what if I prefer to build a family on a foundation of same sex?" Is it love? I do not rightly know, as frustrating as that sounds,  I do not know, I do know that for a strong family it is a good, true thing that it needs to be built on a relationship between aan and a woman.

As a teenager, I was in a discussion with a woman who claimed that she and her husband were simply not compatible. I was confused, because I saw things much more simply then, clearly every man was compatible with every woman. I got upset eith her and thought, "well, I know enough that I will never ever get divorced." Um, I thought sex and love were synonyms.

But, sometime into my divorce I was watching an episode of "Bones" where Seely Booth was explaining sex as a facet of love. It was a feeling so powerful that you wanted to occupy the same space as another. Actually, there was no way to actually satisfy the need to be one. Brilliant. It brought back my childhood images from "Dark Crystal" where the Skeckzies and Mystics finally become one literally as the crystal was whole. I wanted that, but how then did I end up thinking that because I tried love and it failed, so I woild marry for a solid foundation.

I ought to have known what I do now. It is like when they tried to build the Salt Lake Temple and discovered cracks in the limestone they were using for a foundation. A family needs to be built on love, real love,and it is hard even then, but without it a healthy family life is impossible. Yes. I believe that. A solid foundation needs two parts, a man and a woman. And who are deeply in love and committed to keeping a promise which will be a strong enough foundation to handle anything throen at it. A person in my SS class said that the closer we get to good the harder our trials become and we cannot even comprehend the struggles our leaders endure for our sake. Sou b ds like a good marriage.  It is the case for my brothers and sisters.

On the flip side. I heard a girl say how it was better that a couple not try to build a family for the sake of the children, actually, they are getting the wrong lessons, by your actions. I do see how children are getting a wrong idea about how their life should be. I based mine off of how my grandparents were. They had seperate rooms and that became my gial and ideal because surely that must be right because they suceeded in everyway I  hoped to... better get something done today...

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