Sunday, April 12, 2015

My thought today

When a thing of epic proportions is about to occur, the background, like a stage, is set.

This morning, I do not recall the detail, but a thing was said that made me pause to wonder if the stage had not been set to facilitate comprehension, would I be incomprehensible, though not secret. Meaning, that I was not deliberately mysterious, but if the background had not been established, my comment would have been a mystery.

Then in Relief Society today we were discussing Joseph Smith and I thought about how the backdrop of religious fervor was necessary, and while I was thinking about how it prompted a young boy to search for truth where he had been taught to find it, and correctly, anyhow, while we were being taught about various ways that we can gain a knowledge of the truthfulness of the gospel we read an excerpt from John the Revelator where he clearly foretold the restoration coming before the Savior returns.

You know, it made me think about all of those parables where Jesus spoke but was not heard (understood). Even his apostles and the church leadership of the day did not even recognize the things that he was saying that are obvious to us. We have the proper perspective because of our background. So many things need to be in order for anything significant to happen.

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