We will one day stand accountable before God, so it doesn't matter if you actually were inspired. But God is just and if you believe God was telling you a thing and you do not obey, then you will be resoponsible
Fast offering is a way to love others! The Lord will know how to succor people who need.
When we give what we can we do what is needed, our funds may be too small, but it will be made enough very much like the multitude was fed by the small amount that was available.
Even if the act of fasting 24 hours may be too hard to do, the option should be given and the principle taught.
This is the Lord's church.
The purpose and end of the church's work is to enable a man and woman and children be sealed together as a family forever.
Commandment to multiply and replenish the earth has never been rescinded. It is not a part of the plan, it is the plan.
Understand the purpose of love. The birth of it is not the culmination, but it is the power that allows trials to cause an increase of love. In the temple, love began the process that it completes. Attraction leads to children, which are a very important part of developing love between a man and a woman.
Every debt. Of temptation must be paid. Such temptations damage our spirits. We can repent.
You can excape feelings of guilt with the power of the atonement. The Atonement can remove ANY stain, and you will be freed.
A man is never more attractive than when they are doing their divine roles as a father and companion.
Fathers can do so much. You must create a home that enables God's eternal purposes.
Satan is jealous of and hopes all worthy men fail.
Our hands are not the same infact they are opposites.
Help meet should complete not compete with an others.
Woman prayed to know how to build a home properly WITH our spouse.
Guilt is to our spirit what pain is to our bodies.
She said "cherished" companion.
Lord has assigned topics as are felt impressed.
***The seed was the WORD of God.
If it is not allowed to root then it might wither regardless of the seed.
We might have hardened hearts.
Do not do anything that takes away from the sacrament.
Gifted pickle suckers deal with facing the bitter scorn which is likened to vinegar. Like the thorns that choke and deny the blessing of a fruit to be born.
People identify prosperity with eternal success.
"Spiritually sedated by riches."
Thou are an offense to me because you put the things of the world ahead of me.
Your faith is supposed to be impractical in the terms of the world.
Maybe then, instead of questioning the seed, but the soil. The soil is our hearts.
We need to seek to be firmly rooted to yield a good result or abundance.
Story of a girl who survived because she saw a distant light and went to find it, finding rescue and relief.
She could have just stayed where she was and assume that rescue would find her. She was hurt and tired, but she pressed forward and the light grew brighter. That is akin to believing Christ, which we are never commanded to do.
Even if you no more than desire to believe, more will be given.
You cannot accidentally do the things of God.
Actions are evidence of belief.
Never stop believing! (Sounds like a song)
Poisonous theory of temporary.
Commonality or unity in the belief that the Family is central... Regardless of religious persuasion.
So what makes us different? Eternal perspective.
Families existed before and will exist after this life. Remember that our families existed equally far before and after.
Government of Heaven will be set using family units.
People are not better off with a total allowance of freedom.
Internet and media makes the minority seem like "everyone" because they are seen most often.
The older I get the more I see the significance of the family.