Tuesday, December 17, 2024

fasting, still... but,

Ok, I thought I was fat, cause I let some silly numbers determine that. So, I decided to research and I found that IF was for me and I had every reason to believe it would work because it was scientifically sound, mote of that later, but I do not have much love of anything scientific, though I do love the truth, so anyway. I started fasting a few years ago intermittent not a long years long abstinence or anything,  and when I started I was gaining weight,  but I still believed it 100% so, I continued and although I saw no instant dramatic changes, I did start losing alot of weight, and I felt great, but then for some reason it stopped, and I started freaking out and trying almost anything  and listening to "influencers" as if they deserve any attention anyway, so. I decided that I was being silly, and decided to go back to square one and problem solve. And my numbers did not match what was promised, and so I decided I must be an alien or something, because adding more exercise after water fasting for 3 days should not cause a glucose spike, and no matter how long I went without eating I never had and indication of making any switch to fat burning. My daughter is really really smart so I talked to her. I am now my absolute heaviest and need help. My dad suggested I do nothing, well, I tried that, unsuccessfully, and merely cut out the extra exercise, and fasted still. My daughter said, "You just seem rediculous to me. I am no expert on the body,  but it seems like cells cannot go for a long time without glucose....they will find it. I would just start eating more and just trust your pat. blessing that you will be healthy and successful in your endeavors. 
Out of others who had troubles with plateaus in fasting or not working anymore, they recommend "refeeding" and a mistake alot of masters make is that during their eating window they do not eat until they are satisfied. So, I have toyed around with my numbers (of calories) and though I struggle to eat enough, I have found that each time I weigh myself, I have lost weight... though not pounds yet, it is about .7lbs per week. And though, I am eating healthy, instead of trying to cut calories I am struggling to make eating healthy reach the number of calories I am aiming for. I am enjoying every meal!
I am also reminded of another bit of supporting evidence. I am not some freak. May people eat a whole lot for Thanksgiving and then sleep off their protestations of never eating food again, to find they actually lost weight. This is so common for me, that I thought it must be a day or two delay, and I will have gained alot of weight in about four days time from my overeating.  (I bet what I am calling overeating is not actually overeating, but eating until my body is pleased and has enough to do it's work, now.) I have a theory that my body found that after the stores of glycogen throughout my body were depleted that it found muscle tissue a better source of energy than fat, but I have not tested this theory nor do I even know how to...

Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 ❤️ 

Thursday, October 31, 2024

a researching truth

I love truth, wherever I find it. I found it studying history in the words of a teacher in Iceland who commented on how different perspectives record the same thing, so it is by comparing and eventually the similarities stand out and you have your truth. I sort of kind of with less sincerity  explained a similar truth when writing a paper in college about moments being recorded accurately are bound to repeat making Shakespeare applicable regardless of the era because he mostly captured truths.
I often notice brilliance in my past actions upon reviewing them. At the time, it was more or less a coincidence. Then, I realized a great principle that is necessary when discerning truths online. There are almost too many influencers all influencing, that one knows not who to believe...reminds me of what Joseph Smith said about religion in his time. There are people who I tend towards and want to believe, but then, I try out their words (plant the seed and see what grows) and realize I was again deceived. So, I sort of "rage quit" but, something deep inside convinced me to all things spoken are untrue just because the ones I hoped to be true were false.
I watched someone again, today, applying a system I learned from doing geological research. Before I accept a truth into the wall I was building, I needed a valid source. So. I would reach deep and ask myself if and why I would believe this, and I ended up believing the sincerity of one so called expert and it so happened that I previously had found the things which she taught to be true, meaning, they were things which I had done and benefited from without purposing it. It was a truth and currently I am hoping and living on one that seems totally counter intuitive, but it has had evidence to prove it true.  It makes me think of the way Joseph Smith said that he knew it and he knew that God knew that he knew it, and then despite anything seeming farfetched it was true.
I was fasting for over three days, and then suddenly I felt better, like breaking through the wall.  I thought I had made a metabolic switch, so I decided to go for a run, but then, my muscles pretty much locked up and I feared making it home before I died. When I got home my blood sugar had spiked higher than ever before! And my keytones did nothing. At that point I was miffed and rage quit. I ate. I decided all this special eating and extensive workouts was stupid! Then, yesterday I decided that my body was malnutioned and I decided to stop it all and care for myself.  I over ate, or so I thought. I began a regimen of multivitamins and strength training, that was sensible and maintainable. We had a Halloween party and I let myself have too much candy. I was all about loving myself. I already started sleeping better, previously. As I did my daily weight check, fearing what my stupid choice to splurge was undoubtedly going to have done to my weight. I had actually lost weight, whereas previous days of working hard and starving I had gained weight, not alot, but over time it would add up.
My new routine includes an hour of easy easy stationary biking while I work on Icelandic vocabulary, then drinking ACV with my morning water for breakfast, fish and vegetable stew for lunch, and snacking until 7pm however I feel inclined. I also will randomly do exercise band training throughout the day. I feel good about this! Without knowing why,  or even needing to. I think this will prove successful after being consistent for 12 weeks (until the end of 2024).

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

ok, I finally truly figured this out!

I am feeling overweight, but all other evidence suggests otherwise. The most important factor was that my Pat. Blessing and my father and my son are all against my starvation approach. My blessing promises me necessary health so, I need to trust that, and I tried, but I just feel like I need to be doing something. So, I prayed alot, and kept researching things, like why my body seemed to do the exact opposite of what all the medical advice online says. Like how I had a spike in glucose after 3 days of fasting, and I still had not switched into ketosis, but It had honestly worked amazingly before! What is wrong with me? I thought that maybe I had a fat resistance, like some people do with glucose, but I found a few extremely heart-felt and very interesting things that as I pondered for a while I concluded once again that menopause had completely ruined my metabolism...uh, and my fasting was making it worse. But, it is like growing out your bangs, it will be fine, but you have to go through this really terrible phase when just resulting them would solve things. So, I have learned that it is lack of calories/nutrition that has caused me to go into starvation mode and fasting panics my body, and I really gain the weight, oh well. I've already decided that exercising is not going to be my life long solution, so it is like trying to grow out my bangs, I must cut out the excessive exercise and get more food and vitamins. One girl mentioned that she found that the only way out of her plateaus was to defend, and then start the whole routine over and it would start working again. So, for my son I say he was right, I need to at least get 2,000 calories per day, though it might seem hard. It really isn't if I eat normal meals. But, I just KNOW that fasting is the best way to take care of my body. And the fact that I believe that helps to make it happen. My Bishop. Bishop Weeks mentioned in a testimony once that he believed that fasting was God's tool and that it had been a blessing in his life. And, another woman who had miraculously improved her physique told me that she had done it through intermittent fasting. So, I am learning how to do it in moderation, and not to extreme. But. It is hard for me to not think, "well, if a little is good then, I will do alot.".

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

I did it!

I figured it out. It was such a small detail that it seemed  insignificant, it was an anxiety that I didn't even kniw about... it was stress caused by failure to loose weight that was causing glucose spikes, ya da ya da, ultimately a total failure. It is like that scene from. Harry Potter with the trap made by a plant that tightens if you try to get away, so you need to give up to get away. I had to decide that I didn't care if I lost weight and I started losing weight! I stopped exercising and excessive fasting and blood testing. Now, this is absolutely not the answer for everyone. But, my parents taught me the best lessons first, ask yourself why you want what you want. And that every person does not equal every other person. I also felt like I needed to make the loss of lives even of my ancestors worth it, so I repeated in my head,"Do I chose freedom or being pretty." It can be reduce to a simple choice of Heavenly Father's plan or not. And I rewatched conference and remembered that Mortality Really works, and Mary, my daughter always tells me, "just trust the process." And I realized it comes down to trusting prayers and promises as I read and re ite from the scriptures or those stupid influencers most of which I have proven to be wrong. Still want to believe that there might be an odd exception somewhere? No, I chose to belief that if I pray for a thing I will get the best possible outcome (like Moana praying to find Maui and getting shipwrecked.)

Monday, October 14, 2024


It is the same thing as happened in cross-country in Indiana. starting out I was faster than average, then as the year and training progressed I didn't and it didn't upset me. I was no longer the fastest, as it was assumed, and my coach used to get upset that I wasn't even trying or anything, but I was,  finally I just explained that I was trying hard all year whereas others tweaked their performance to peal about now in the season, whereas I never peaked, I just was always at 100 percent. It is like the volume dial on your TV. Others were pretty quiet and made me seem loud, but as they turned up their goals, I started to blend in. Using that metaphor with my body/weight I have always been ideal, that is what my grandmother, my dad and my son were trying to express. I cannot loose weight and others do, but so what, I just am. I got to thinking about my Pat. Blessing at it promises health to accomplish everything. That is a pretty miraculous gift.  Looking back, I did not overcome the odds to walk again because of my incredible efforts. I often said it if was my time, then I would die, but fretting about it certainly wouldn't change it. Likewise, I grew, into a pretty tall woman, not because I chose it and did what was required. The same will be true with my physique.  I am merely changing and need to stop trying to mold myself into the way I want to look. I honestly think that I will be happier if I just...que sera sera.

Accordingly, I am going to, noy play favorites even, but just start over with a new body and only wear clothes that I like, so that It will not take effort to find something to wear and I absolutely will not spend money on ways to try to change me appearance in any way, too expensive. I want to be presentable and not apprehensive, but my days of trying to be this elusive thing called beautiful are over.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

this morning's diet realization

I had decided it was all good theory, but not practice as I ended a prolonged fast very disappointed getting none of the expected results, I felt like I had been scammed. This time it hurt because I believed it fully, whereas many times I merely had a hope crushed.
I still couldn't share the feeling like I could do something and giving up was not it. This morning I realized something. It was my high, exercise induced glucose. That was what needed to change. My exercise was a trigger, and stressed me and kept me from loosing weight. I did not exhaust my sugar stores or convert to fat burning, because this was neither the time or place. My over exercise communicated that I was constantly in pursuit and my very life must be at stake cause I did not even have time to sleep or recover.
   I am going to try again, only, this time, I am not going to increase my work, but do less, sleep more and fast comfortably. I still believe it will work, and that the failure lies on my end.
Just had this thought to add as the kids left for school. I have been staying up past 11 cause of my husband, and getting up at 4 am for my son for over 15 years, no wonder my body has issues trusting me. I want to do a 5-day reset and then just establish a plan of going to bed and sleeping continuously for at least 6 hours, and then not eating between the hours of 7pm and 3pm. That should be easy easy. And eliminate anything, but daily peaceful walking.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

fasting take 2

 My IF journey. Huh? I thought you gave that up out of execerbation because it ate your muscle and slowed your metabolism. It is true, that I decided to stop restricting myself and I began seriously with resistance training, but I accidentally missed a day and it became two and I felt like a failure because I had read that you cannot reset your metabolism, and somewhere deep down it nagged at me that I was building fat by eating so much when I wasn't even hungry anyhow. I needed to face it. It was the fact that even if I did increase my muscle and speed upp my metabolism, my balance is so poor that regular exercise is not even an option for me. Whereas fasting is. I just happened to decide to fast for 24 hours at the same time I was fasting 24 hours for church... ya da ya da, I realized fasting was approved, or reccommended by God much as avoiding pork had been, sure it had been used as a tool to measure faithfulness, but it had benefits, So, I decided to go a full 24 hours no food, no drink. It was also a long, holiday weekend, so I had decidded to go running on a track in Walnut on Monday morning, but my fast had not ended yet. I started to worry, but watched videos where those documenting their fasts performed regular exercise despite eating, so I knew that I would be fine, and knowing that, I was. only I did drink one cup on tea, thinking the water would be necessary, and it was Ashwaganda tea, as well, so it might make any resulting muscle soreness less severe. Well, I ran, with no problem, and am even more committed to fasting,

I have LONG time thought that eating one time a day seemed natural to me, and I found out many, many,many people achieve sustainable results doing a 20/4 fast, or only allowing a 4hour eating schedule, which fits perfectly with when my family eats together.

It is still hard to not eat, especially when I endure lows in bloodsugar, but, I honestly believe that somehow my body stores banks of Glycogen throughout my body and when it taps into them I feel better, and am able to continue on to what takes so long for my body to depeat it's sugar reserves, so that I can start to benefit and switch over to ketosis.\, or fat burning. It took me a very long time when I becan a few years ago, I felt like breaking the 150lbs barrier was going to be impossible, but then it happened one day when I went to the grocery store. I didn't crave anything. even if I had tons of money I had no desire to eat things that were bad for me, or good for me either. I ought to have been soooooooo dang hungry, but I felt nothing...well, as far as need to eat went. I also had a sort of epiphany where I understood that I had broken my food addiction. And that addiction was a POWERFUL thing, but although I had not done anything special as far as a dieting routine or protocol, When I weigh myself daily, I was loosing so much weight! I actually dropped to below 130lbs. In college I was very fit and my lowest was 140lbs. but, when we moved, though I had not gain alot of weigh I settled in at about 145, and decided it was from loosing muscle and I no longer wanted to fast. At first, I needed to force myself to eat, because not eating just became natural to me. but I am now at 165lbs and I decided that eating more isn't doing anything but storing sugar as fat, and my clothes are not fitting anymore. Though, my BMI is still not in the "Overweight" range some how I must change.

That is were I am now, I just listened to a really good podcast and I had noticed that many people who succeeded, as I had, with IF left and came back and were able to maintain and recapture their sucess. One time, it was said by a professional, actually, if a person fasted for 36 hours and then ate normally throughout the rest of the week, the results would bethe same as IF. Ah hah! the IF just works well for me, with my given circumstances. Plus, at my stage in life, just not eating is easier to maintain that a regular fitness routine.

I did notice that the things that seemed to cause my success were eating properly, and regular exercise. both are eay for me. I certainly can eat fatty, processed foods, but they are like smoking or drinking, just Why? when I am no longer addicted. It is similar to what my friend Rizki said about not eating bacon. It is very easy when it is just not available. what is hard is sitting down to a meal and not being able to eat like everyone else. I could not maintain that, though I can do it ( though my husband claims that I am trying to kill myself). but.... don't get me started on the things people believed would harm them, but it turns out that was just a misunderstanding, like looking at the Sun.....

Friday, May 31, 2024

My quizzical pondering

I must bookmark this idea, I decided to memorize one idiom in Icelandic each day. Today's was "Rúsínan í pysldanum." Or the raisin at the end of a hotdogs 🌭 🤔.  Cue tge wheels that generate ideas in my head, I started to wonder if common idioms in Icelandic were idiom in Old Norse. Guess that will remain a musing.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Indiana Jones and Gandalf

We learn what is essential to know through whatever source is available to us. What we learn is more relevant to who we are in significance than who is teaching.

I will give an example.

In the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. As the climax is reached, the protagonist (Indy) has to decide which of the Cups is the Holy Grail. He says that despite what popular opinion teaches the cup would not be ornate. In the movie, it ends up that he is correct and gets to save the day. But, what he seemed to have been teaching was how hard it is to make a proper choice. 

Next, we have the example from the Lord of the Rings where the fellowship is sort of trapped in a caved in tunnel and they are looking to Gandalf to determine the correct way. He eventually does so, and Frodo asks him if he instantly recalled by some revelation or something, and Gandalf replies in a way that casts all supposition on a lofty wisdom that he is able to discern the correct way using his own sense of smell, and one way just smells fresher. So, the same lesson is taught to a different audience on how to make a choice between things that are hard to instantly, and are of great consequence.

Both examples teach that discerning truth is best not left to popular opinion or even some supposed mysterious intelligence. I would like to assert that the same is true with religions. Different God's are like different protagonists of a story intended to teach a principle that must be known. And to me, it explains why there are so many similarities. Perhaps, they are coming from the same source (origin) .

Friday, April 5, 2024

dirty vegtables

I am dwelling on a thought that seems trivial, but it keepd popping up so, I will write it down and be done with it. It started when I was cutting my lettuce this morning. I wondered what sort of life it had, and to end up in Mississippi? And what's that smell? Is it just dirt? Wonder if I ought to be planting my own garden yet, it might be too cold at night, though we did watch a video this morning about how hardy growing things become after being exposed to adversity...ya da ya da... I ended up thinking as I washed an old dish if maybe that strange earthy smell when I cut vegetables is the introduction of an invasive species into my too clean environment. Maybe if I kill off too many micro organisms the only ones left will be immune to my "cleaning" and it will be a situation like in Dune where the machines meant to help man took over. Perhaps, buying vegetables at the store will make a super soldier parasite that will take over the world! Oh no!

But, now I am laughing as I recall a woman who told a story about the Danes selling shoddy grain to Icelanders who actually ate it and then told some "far out" stories like some weird amalgamation of a bull that ended up tormenting and killing it's creator, and his descendents.

Moral of this story, becareful how much you clean those outsourced vegtables! 😀