Sunday, March 20, 2016

Too much "choosing time"

Church is canceled this morning, so what do I do? Think.

I think I ought to listen to conference talks or read scriptures, but my mind is consumed considering how I would go about righting the only inequality I see between the sexes. For some reason, and maybe nothing should be done about it, but men can, and it confused me so much about age, I am just now sorting it out. Anyhow, for sone reason, men can begin anew much later in life, in fact men I consider my age are actually much older, and menu age I consider soooo young. Yet, women my age seem too old and older they seem "out to pasture". But, maybe that is howvit ought to be so that men do not have the competition as they try again. And older men tend to like younger women so it always made sense to me because they are matured enough to be equals, now the fact that they get to do over later in life when women are considered too old, is ideally happening so that men can make enough money to support the aging women or a new family. I do not think women need to be doldiers or noy scouts, not do I think they need to be princesses, but it has evolved and worked for sooo long maybe we should work with it instead of fight against it as inequality. But, in school my feminist teachers used to say they were wortied about women like me, especially when I voiced the opinion that the Taming of the Shrew taught valuable lessons about gender roles, and how resolution can only come by working with what ought to be.

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