This morning I am closing an epoch and, as crocheters say, "weaving in the loose ends."
I will list some ends that although tied off are dangli, ,,ng about and we cannot allow that.
1)boys. Is it cultural or is it just a waste of time for the investment never yields good returns. Boys are not expected to clean up, moms do it, occassionally, a boy is taught "home skills" and such a feat is highly applauded. Then, a boy's home is called a Bachelor pad because it is ill-kept and part of marrying is finding a woman to take care of them. Really? Why not just learn to take care of yourself, if women are expected to work for any money they might want in addition to taking care of the kids?
2) The trick to love is finding someone as close to seeing and wanting the same things as you, trouble is that we think that we are up to the challenge, but marriage ought to be a support not a challenge.
Everytime I think it is love I realize it is just another want, sometimes it is actually getting closer as it includes motivation to overcome and be better, but that is not love. Love is best summed up in two phrases, one gifted to me by a dear friend: "make sure you are on the same page." and "be ye not unequally yoked".
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