In one of my favorite films there is a line where a woman remembers her life as a child making a long ardous trek to "Zion". Instantly, it reminds me of Final Fantasy 7 or even Dr. Who where it is speculated how the notion of a promised land could be used to manipulate. But. I thought of he line "there were moments of siblime happiness" to explain my life as I recognize the likeness of a difficult journey, too often we feel it pointless because we lack destination. Even with a clearly defined purpose trials amd struggles cause pain, but there are moments of pure delight.
In the movie Shadowlands about the life of C.S.Lewis they explain a thing that I still have not mentally metabolized about how our struggle is part of the joy to come. recently, someone was explaining the duality of all things. All things have and need an opposite. That is just how it is. And that I can understand. But, in conext I was seeing a truth that the opposites attract although it seems as if they ought to repell.
Now, than chant of a line from "Lean on me" comes to mind, "a positive and a positive make a negative!" And I loved a song by Tal Bachman that meant something wholey unique to me probably, but the line says "butterflies and stingy nettles.... where's the joy to cure my sadness?" And from such a thought my terrible bouts of depression lead me to realize that although there have been moments of joy, likely equal to the struggle, thus fufilling a scripture that says that every blessing is granted according to a predetermined action, and the Lord is bound to bless us, but there must be some incredible joy to equal the sorrow or depression.
I am falling asleep. Typing is a sure fire way to invoke sleepy time, who needs tea?
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