I loved it when I didn't know what to believe, but knew I would do it whole heartedly if I did.
Today, as I considered some of my sort of askewed ideas, I thought what would be the reason or motivation anyway. So, it was a simple step to apply this kind of thinking to religion.
On a larger scale motivation had nothing to do with truth in the crusades, but even Jesus Christ himself, why? Why would he break laws like not working on Sunday to cure someone? The only answer I came up with was recognition. My dad used to say no advertisement is bad advertisement. And it seems to be a good reason for a religion. Although, each claim to exist to spread truth. That would actually be recognition. And lots of religions build on what is popular, namely the Bible, then tweak it to mean what they think will appeal. So, suppose that explained the origin, what explains the propagation?
Religions still thrive and grow. It must be because they are filling a niche. I think there the law that nothing can be created or destroyed is in force here and something is knowingly incomplete and we seek to fill that void to the point that we would give our lives to feel whatever it is.
Some use drugs. Some use sex. Some fill their void with love, beauty or religion. But, honestly, what is it we want and what happens when we get it?
Cue Pascal's reasoning. Just suppose it is all master minded by those who are hoping to achieve power or something, seems crazy, but I bet Oracle's knew they were a hoax. Ok, let's suppose our truth really is THE truth? It would be readonable to just believe it even if those who taught you were pulling your leg, because if it were true you would not only be so glad you lived how you did, but you helped others, too. Isn't it a seperate fact that we seek to help others. Why is that?
On the flip side. And this is likely only pertaining to me, but benefit, if you do. Why would my choices be of any consequence unless it was because my choice was one that effected others and gaining my trust gained more power... if that were the case then, power would be had by subjecting me to a "leader" sorta the thing the united states was afraid of with a cathloic president. The president would be subserviant to the pope.
So, the ultimate struggle would be a power struggle making earth like a great big intricate chessboard. And though seemingly insignificant, each pawn has a worth. Yeah, ok. But, why would surrendering by giving up or refusing to play be bad?
Well, if you refused to help you would be hurting. It is almost as if each has to choose a side, so refusing one is benefitting the other, which if you decided was reasonable anyway, so what?
I am not close to realizing or concluding anything, but I have to make dinner.
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