Sunday, August 22, 2021

My story about evolution.... and how it PLAYED out

 OK, my mind is dwelling on an old favorite game SIM Earth. So, I will present my new thoughts through telling a story about how much I loved to play it.

Alright, first I will explain why I started this game and was so anxious to try it out. My dad enjoyed playing Sim City on NES and would talk about how much he learned from it. I loved the idea  behind creating a world, but I was so anti evolution, because evolution was believing that  we we advanced apes, and I was created in the image of God, not an ape... but, as soon as I got my hands on the game I was hooked. I came to realize that in the big picture of things global warming wasn't  as terrible as politicians and scientists made it sound.

I started to accept new ideas to the point that I actually knew, undeniably that there was far more to evolution than what we expected and that it truly did happen. 

As I played SIM Earth, I colonized nearly every species I achieved creating (which creation REQUIRED evolution) and failed everything. Star fish simply do NOT have what it takes to reach my purposes. Needless to say, I made a whole lot of mistakes, but my son was talking to me today and he explained that sometimes we just have to throw ourselves under the bus or progress would be impossible, further he explained that when I make a mistake at least I learn what not to do.

So, I learned that I could not just use evolution to create any old organism, but that in order to create anything as complex as "Man" I would need to master evolution.

Ok... back up. It took million of years just to create a habitable planet for life, which included making the world a place that at times would not be suitable to originate life, and yet, here life was, so I learned that I needed to not fear time or "coloring out if the lines" in order to produce the lines... sorry, now for some inevitable preachy time, I remembered a scene I watched from a movie about Darwin where as a very religious man he was upset about what seemed to be, and that all of his researched proved evolution. It is not as difficult for me to accept that evolution  is a principle of being. Just this evening I accepted that it is possible our creator and Heavenly Father actually used evolution to create Mankind from other species...though it is a bit more difficult to accept than it was to accept that DNA proteins are created from the same dust that exists in the heavens and when exposed to things like gravity that results naturally from congregation of atoms..... OK done... so, I am at least able to stretch my perspective to accept more than I previously could, but in another lesson today it was pointed out that our minds find it nearly impossible to comprehend the sorts of things God can and does... a main and far less controversial in my circles to say is that there really is no such thing as time. Just yesterday I was feeling old, and I laughed at myself for even thinking that. Surely I was eternal, immortal!

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