Sunday, August 29, 2021

search for Truth

Oh my goodness, that little voice in my head was so much more wise than I ever gave it credit for... I used to think it simply was me, but I am silly and stupid and when it tells me a thing is true, I sort of laugh, cause I "Know" better. It was aninteresting thing for me to consider yesterday I listened to someone reading the book of ecclisiates and Solom in his grear wisdom often referred to things that his heart told him, we often, I called that sort of heart-felt thinking, my emtions, or what others call a conscience or a "gut" feeling. I recalled hearing that in fact the Egyptians thought the thoughts of a man happened in his heart, and so my struggle for truth was my head vs. my heart, but combine a touch of life experience and being aware of the expressions of others, and trying to understand why I felt drawn to a certian ideology, actually multiple "truths. And actually, I realized that it is all the same ideas and that little voice threw a bitty party and explained to me hoe it had been trying to show me that truth just simply is, and I am going to have to piece it all together regsardless where I find it. Also people are so extremely different and each one is precious and so myths and traditions are created to teach them their path to the truth in a way they will recognize, amnd with ,many other subjects I sort of find myself n the outside of all of them and yet embracing all of them, sort of the way we call someone the jack of all trades master of none..... ok, I need to go get stuff done... or I would say more, maybe later.

I am back, a day has passed but mty mind still dwells on this topic, and although, my big thought for today was that we need to act and not for the ideal timing, it all meets in my thoughts. What if one was trying to decide between accepting things as they seem forever or as they are? The most important thing that keeps occurring to me... side track, I am thinking of a scene from the movie Inception where a group of people come to "dream" their life away, and it poses the question if the dream or awake is the truth. ok, now to my big recurring idea, Well, it would be easy to convince people to stay and deal with things that they already know while a promise can only be hoped for that the prize behind door number 3 is better, but we are constantly told that it is. ok, so my thought was that part of convincing would be using the percieved reality to define what will be, and one could always be correct. Infact, a failure would be correctly predicted meaning, that door could metaphorically been explained open and empty, or as Pascal suggested in his wager, it really doesn't matter, one could believe even while being proved through a limited means, wrong. 

It is impossible through "Mortal" or "Physical" means to comprehend truth, and it is unlikely it was ever understood by any creation except only the time it was given to know, but I expect truth cannot be retained hence part of the Godhead is a spirit which can visit a man though never become him... sidetracking, cause matter cannot be created nor destroyed and matter is only desire that needs to meet point b before the conclusion which cannot be comprehended let alone thwarted.

ok, I have things to accomplish outside of my thoughts.

I have some things to record that I read tis morning which will be understood according to your perception:

many of whom are truly humble and are seeking diligently to learn wisdom and to find truth.

And inasmuch as my people abuild a bhouse unto me in the cname of the Lord, and do not suffer any dunclean thing to come into it, that it be not defiled, my eglory shall rest upon it;

Add that to the notion that in order for us to  be ever joined with truth, we need first to be united, It is a sort of "Long con" meaning the intent was to find truth, but to find it, we needed to sort of form a plan to reach it, and that plan is hard to see the larger picture of. here, let's say in order to have parts that choose, there must be a speration (I am moving backwards) ya da ya da. Each seperate part must choose to be united but we do not even have seperate parts yet, and so much must be accomplished to reach each simple step, during this time, the goal is lost because focus was placed on each individual goal. As I was reading this morning, I could see that so many steps have been taken, and last of all a home needed to be built so that truth could be found, if sought for, upon the earth. And that is a very important step that must needs happen, but even that will not allow anyone to find truth... Uniting together, and a thing I had scratched my head wondering about alot: Jerusalem needs to put on her beautiful garments...ahh, "low bridge everybody down"

Monday, August 23, 2021

9 mothers?

 I want to find a riddle I can actually figure out and have the satisfaction of having someone who knows if I am right or not tell me. Lately, I have gained so much respect for the makers of Cross-word puzzles. It is not just showing off your random, otherwise useless knowledge like I supposed. It takes soon much intelligence to create a puzzle that works with wrong words to suggest other wrong words while being an actual clue for the right word. Difference between those puzzles and life is that it tells you if you are wrong, even if it works fine.

OK, so I was thinking about my mother and about my children and then about, strangely enough Loki or anyone who is said to have multiple mothers. There are many ways that it makes sense to me, but ultimately I went with one way that fit with the other words that I solved supplying several hints and such. My conclusion was that our notion of what a mother is confuses us. Our idea assumes the communicators were saying that the person received biological instructions to become a likeness of them, wait, hey, someone said that I looked like my mom, but that does not make her my mother. Several someone's said that I looked alot like Bridget Fonda, but she is not at all my mother. I have read several comments regarding biology not being the sole determiner of parenthood, but why then have biological paternity tests or classifi actions. If it were not a thing. Oh, it is a thing, just not THE thing that defines a mother or father.

The reason why having many mothers is problematic is that we define a mother as being one who births a child...oh, but what about surrogates, is their title still mother, why yes, it is. See? We are making a thing confusing by assuming we know what it means, but how would we ever KNOW if we were correct?

Sunday, August 22, 2021

My story about evolution.... and how it PLAYED out

 OK, my mind is dwelling on an old favorite game SIM Earth. So, I will present my new thoughts through telling a story about how much I loved to play it.

Alright, first I will explain why I started this game and was so anxious to try it out. My dad enjoyed playing Sim City on NES and would talk about how much he learned from it. I loved the idea  behind creating a world, but I was so anti evolution, because evolution was believing that  we we advanced apes, and I was created in the image of God, not an ape... but, as soon as I got my hands on the game I was hooked. I came to realize that in the big picture of things global warming wasn't  as terrible as politicians and scientists made it sound.

I started to accept new ideas to the point that I actually knew, undeniably that there was far more to evolution than what we expected and that it truly did happen. 

As I played SIM Earth, I colonized nearly every species I achieved creating (which creation REQUIRED evolution) and failed everything. Star fish simply do NOT have what it takes to reach my purposes. Needless to say, I made a whole lot of mistakes, but my son was talking to me today and he explained that sometimes we just have to throw ourselves under the bus or progress would be impossible, further he explained that when I make a mistake at least I learn what not to do.

So, I learned that I could not just use evolution to create any old organism, but that in order to create anything as complex as "Man" I would need to master evolution.

Ok... back up. It took million of years just to create a habitable planet for life, which included making the world a place that at times would not be suitable to originate life, and yet, here life was, so I learned that I needed to not fear time or "coloring out if the lines" in order to produce the lines... sorry, now for some inevitable preachy time, I remembered a scene I watched from a movie about Darwin where as a very religious man he was upset about what seemed to be, and that all of his researched proved evolution. It is not as difficult for me to accept that evolution  is a principle of being. Just this evening I accepted that it is possible our creator and Heavenly Father actually used evolution to create Mankind from other species...though it is a bit more difficult to accept than it was to accept that DNA proteins are created from the same dust that exists in the heavens and when exposed to things like gravity that results naturally from congregation of atoms..... OK done... so, I am at least able to stretch my perspective to accept more than I previously could, but in another lesson today it was pointed out that our minds find it nearly impossible to comprehend the sorts of things God can and does... a main and far less controversial in my circles to say is that there really is no such thing as time. Just yesterday I was feeling old, and I laughed at myself for even thinking that. Surely I was eternal, immortal!

Sunday, August 15, 2021

That's not what I meant

 Over time communication evolves. Probably the best example for my age group is the word Gay. The word was used commonly in text and song to imply a happy or good natured feeling. But, now, it has aquired a negative connotation where if someone is Gay they are likely homosexual or in the form of an adjective things (without a sex) can be reffered to as gay, or despicable. A word that neith my parents or muy children quite understood how I said it was "Bad" as in, "That was bad!" meaning that it was incredibly good. 

Now, on to what I was most amused about today: My husband is a pig... ha ha ha, no, literally, or wait, huh?

It started when one of my vocabulary words today was Baal, and it was explained that it is used less and less because of a sort of sexual revolution. The word refers to a man as a husband, but because of the connotation of it meaning "Owner" much as we think of the word Lord in America. Women prefer to use a word combination that means "man of mine"

But, as I was watching an entirely unrelated video about pork consumption, an onld Cannanite diety named Ball was mentioned as being associated with wild boar or pigs (as hunting them was a sign of virility), and I laughed at the thought of how both the word Baal had changed in meaning as much as the hunting of boar as a symbol status. The reason I laughed was because "my husband" was like pig or, one might say: piglike. 

it only has humor because of the connotations, though. yesterday for some reason I talked with my kids about what a "dip" was because they didn't understad why putting up signs that warn of a dip in the road was so funny. Well, Joe often talks about he slow children who always play in the road! But, he is away camping, and Mary had never heard of a dip stick even!! I seriously wonder how I could even communicate with those kids sometimes. We use the same words, but a different language.

Diet wisdom

 Recently, I was researching proverbs from various cultures and I stubled upon the Havamal. And as I was studying the lesson to give my children tomorrow on the Word of Wisdom. I instantly thought "Ding, Ding WISDOM" So, I read with a greater interest because this was not a king or wise man but the words given to Joseph Smith, whom I fully believe spoke for God, though I struggle in accepting all things as I did as a child, I know, as it has been clearly undeniable mae known to me that our creator spoke to him as he always has to any child who desires knowledge...Anyhow, I noticed how this revelation (D & C 89) encourages all to use wisdom and avoid addiction (strong drink - like the earlier havamal), It spoke of other things that were reccommended to man to improve his health and abilities. I instantly thought "Hey! that sounds like a great diet." which ties in with a very good video that my son had forwarded to me last night regarding how to go about making lasting changes in our life, much like all wise diets intend.

I ought to include the well-made video here: It suggested that we try a shorter time frame and honestly try something like a theme so an all-or nothing mistake will not void all we have achieved. I think that would work marvelously to become the sort of being that we want to and love to be.