Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Today is a find the hidden truth day!

Usually on Wednesdays I go to the temple and ponder the pictograms from the book of Abraham, but today my pondering will take a different direction.

I will be trying to uncover enough that two contrary facts become reconciled. If they do not, at least I will be wiser and have the opportunity to practice more patience and trust in things I cannot yet understand.

Actually, I already do regarding other things namely black holes. I have never seen them, heck for all I know Australian doesn't really exist. But, enough evidence is out there and line upon line, discovery upon discovery, on the backs of predecessors I can conjecture, but this is due to my ability to simply trust things I have been taught in public school. Oh, I have a cute story!

Anecdote time!

I was at the University of Mississippi and I had grown tired of my fun with the computer lab, so I went to the library to just sort of breathe in the books for a while. Plus, there is something awe-inspiring about the library there. I would spend hours using the computer card catalog. The way one search lead to another reminds me of how I assume my ideas jump or "fire" in my brain (nueron activity). So, I decided to stop that and look around in the stacks for the most beautiful book and check it out!

I found a glorious looking book, it smelled old, too. I wondered if it could actually be checked out. (Wait, don't judge a book by the cover) I thought, someone must have really really valued this information to put such a cover on it and it's pages were begining to yellow. I checked it out entirely unaware of what it was.

In my dorm room I pulled it out and was unable to read a bit of it. It was written mostly in Latin with occasional diagrams and a lot of mathematics. I decided that this was a declaration to my soul that math, which I neglected, WAS important.

Eventually, I flipped to the cover page to discover it was Newton's Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica. I did not understand a word literally, but spiritually, I learned a lot.... Socks and shoes time....publish....more later, maybe

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