Sunday, July 28, 2019

Who benefits?

Qui Bono?

It hit me like a ton of bricks to realize that I have only had marginal successes in my various pursuits because my aim has always been selfish.

I am not naturally self-centered nor is it my goal to serve myself, yet that is exactly what I do.

When becoming a mother, which is very strange to even consider that I ever wasn't, I focused on others out of necessity. I always thought it odd and notable though how often we are reminded that in order to help others we must see to our own needs first. Oh well, this is not that.

Most specifically, in making videos I actually intend to share insights, like now, but my motivating goal is to show others that I am of value, too...just look at my thoughts! If my purpose had been to improve my audience, I would have improved content, and that will help me reach a new height.

Look at videos that are truly valuable... The self is almost always off camera or unrecognized and it does not matter, the information does.

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