Tuesday, June 27, 2017

How an actress reminds me of repentance

It was the wording she used that triggered my mental association, so I think the comparison was intended to explain things better. She was overweight and needed to do something about it. She had surgery so that she could persue the career that she wanted, and was able to do so claiming the surgery was a savior. It makes me glad that no one cares about what I look like, a thing I was upset that no one seemed to notice.

I am grouping her transformation into obesity with an anecdote about a tiny sapling, who was easy to manipulate but virtually ignored until it grew into a formidable twisted foe. Many things are like this, manageable at one point, but if allowed can grow beyond oir singular ability to mend, and in some cases an option to return is singular and there is only one way or hope. Our eternal lives depend on such a surgery or savior.

But, of all things, I heard, I liked best how she explained that although it made loosing weight possible, it would still require effort on her part. This is true with Jesus Christ as well. Down south I often heard about the grace of Christ being able to wash away sins, and then the soul was blameless. I often thought, but if the person that did those things is not changed as well, regardless if things were no more they would be again. This is true with physical bodies, too.

I think alot about a woman I saw videos of years ago who had become hugely obese and although she lost soooo much weight she still had inches of sagged skin on her body, and required a surgery to correct it. At the time I thought, yeah, it will be more pleasing to look upon for a time, but that skin was needed to be elastic enough to accomodate changes in physique. What if she gained that weight again? But, in her case, she had changed her being into one who would not allow that to happen again.

Anyhow, more that just the offended need the apology...the end.

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