Sunday, April 16, 2017

Do you ever wonder?

All, well before I get started I will mention a back story, I was playing a silly game with myself that if I really believed, which I don't then a thing would happen, but I wondered if that's how things really worked,  I knew it wouldn't happen, so it wouldn't, but would  it happen if I did believe and how do others agency work into that? Then I sorta wondered about that VH song about the pathways I might have taken, when I think of how impossible it would be to accomplish one thing I think of alternates, and that makes me consider what would so and so be like if... and I pretend to chase after an alternate option that is equal to what my goal is in this life, wierd stuff, but back to my real intent:

All my life people try to tell me that It us all made up hooey. But, if everyone of them believe the Bible to be true, it ststes that if you want to know something, then, ask.  And if anyone asked, they wiuld no longer question things or need faith.. hmmm, odd.

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