Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How to love your enemy

Sure, even tiny children learn by parents who make them hug that you ought to love those whom you abhore. But, this morning a commonplace thing struck me as significant. I was listening to the book of Enos, and not because I was commanded to, but because there is a law of consequences, that says that if ypu do a thing a percribed consequence MUST follow, and I heard of such consequence of protection for your family if you read from the Book of Mormon daily. And it is for that effect that I was listening, not trying to understand or ponder deeper meaning of the words of Enos. The story (short version) is of a guy who goes out hunting and remembers things he was taught, he was taught to turn to God for all good things. So, this guy prayed all day because he desired a remission of his sins (or as Rob Thomas sings "get back to good") and eventually, I am not sure if it is a consequence of his lengthy prayer I was not studying that, but The Lord spoke to him and told him that his sins would be forgiven. SCORE! Great, no he is done and can get to his hunting, right? No. And that is where the lesson was learned.

In the Book of Mormon, the story is told of one family and how they became numerous enough to populate a continent. Alright, so in this family, there were two disgruntled brothers, so we have a blood fued. Seriously, over generations, seperated they become another nation who not are just angry with the rest of their family, but several times these "bad guys" wage war with their "brothers". Enos is descended from the Good guys. So, these other people not only dislike him, but seek to kill eachother (which doesn't work out well usually. See Cain and Abel or Jacob and Esau in the Bible, which they had).

Enos, then actually prays for these enemies to the point that he expresses love and a desire for them to be reconciled to God as well. To me, this becomes the perfect metaphor, or in mormonspeak "type and shadow" of how we love our enemies....no, no, no O am not saying I think we out to pray all day or even go out hunting, but the impression I got is that we should  humble ourselves and serve them.

See if you can find it for yourself and then, please share your thoughts...I cannot spend anymore time right now doing this, but I do want to say that I feel it is important.

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