Friday, December 6, 2013

I feel so validated again today

Thank you for scriptures and in particular the laws that we have been given which each in their own way reach and teach us the way to be happy. Oh, momentary derailment, I thought of a quote I loved well, not a quote as much as an excerpt.

"I told him I remained a Mormon because when I followed my religion I became the kind of man I want to be."

and a favorite anecdote that impressed me a lot. A man had been at his friend's house and noticed differences in behavior between his father and his friend's father. When he went home he felt so thankful to be at home with his own father and a conversation ensued. His father explained that even if the LDS church was not true it made him a happier man. This was what had made the obvious difference between his friend's father and his, then his father concluded  that the church was true though. (probably one of those moments where words are not needed but appreciated nonetheless.)

Sorry to get so sidetracked. Sometimes my mind does that when key  words push some sort of trigger, It was the word happiness. It really is such an important thing, huh?

Anyway, I was thinking about how I have always disagreed with the thought of governing any thing ought to be based on popular opinion. Sooooo, what. If it is good, then good,  and so it's opposite is true. We do not need any one else to support or contradict our choice. And so I loved this passage of scripture from Exodus 23 :

"Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil" 


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