Sunday, May 19, 2013

Just how interesting are colors?

I started this thought the way I always do listening to my kids as they watched a program. There was a really catchy song about mixing up color. It got me started, then Boom! I was off full-speed to land of let's pretend.

This time I was captivated by the thought that even the land of my imagination starts with some givens. this is what I started to think about colors where did they come from? ok, keep reading it will make sense eventually. Orange is made from red and yellow, but where do they come from? this answer lead me down a path which I had been down many times Where I distinguish pigmants from light.  Primary colors just are and may be filtered out of white light which sort of is the glory of God or Intelligence whereas the absence of light or darkness is devoid of God, so in a sense "Outer darkness" or what we mormons call Hell. but then, how do we dye things to have shades or hues of color when light is refracted? I know most colors come from nature, which nature in beauty and inspires the toughest critic to believe in divinity. I think they are sensing God in nature. tis brings to mind a line rom "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" where Morgan Freeman's carachter says, " Allah delights in wonderous colors." And so that was Hollywood's best shot at where colors come from, too. I mean maybe asking is as likely to uncover an answer as the chicken or egg debate or the one about Adam's belly button. Somethings, just are.

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