Wednesday, May 8, 2013

get real

I got a crazy thought forming, want to hatch it with me? Alright, here we go. You ready?

It starts by noticing for the first time that some guys are so attractive. I honestly was oblivious to it when it mattered. but, I'll save that thought for later, it is along the same lines that I want to travel. I was noticing how boys want to attract girls, but no where in that atttraction are they seriously thinking that the girl they hope or aspire to own or say that they "want" will end up being their wife and mother of their children. Aww heck, maybe that is what they are thinking, what do I know?

The thought just was that people who are on the ledge of life usually do not even think of jumping off until they are half-way to hitting the bottom. Then it becomes as they say "real".
I wonder if marraiges would be more successful if the villiage stopped trying to raise the child.

It seems that part of getting real is growing up or should I have reversed that. It matters not.  They are inclusive, leave it at that. It is idolized to stay young or something, we all look forward to that mid 20 or because fame ages people, make it thirty looking. I seriously wonder if being famous lets people gain a bit of empathy for what it was like to be the savior. He just had to get frustrated at all of his followers because they just didn't "get him" they needed to "get real".

ok, I was thinking about the fact that pop culture loves the single lifestyle and makes it look so desirable. That's not how I remember it, and frankly, I get tired trying to keep up with all that is, instead of just aging gracefully.

My sister-in-law told me one of the most influential things when she gave me a shirt that I thought was going to be too large cause it was a size 12 or something. I was very upset because I went in to the hospital 20 something and a size 4 solidly and came out in my 30's and size 8. but, she told me that I was a mom and that if I wanted to feel and look skinnier and prettier that I needed to stop trying to wear clothes that were too small for me, cause sure they would make me feel fat and mis shapen, but I was me, just now I could wear women's sizes cause I grew up! Funny now my daughter wears the same sizes as me and she is not even a teen yet, admitedly things are short,  like dresses become shirts and jeans become coolots.

My point (reeling you back in) is that we do grow up and a large part of getting real is acting our age.

So, in conclusion, we need to be forward thinking even after we reach the forward and not mind so much and grow up. I cannot stand the majority always trying to force thoughts and opinions on us because afterall the majority rules, uh, yeah, in high school, and look at how that worked out? If another generation is ever going to exist it is because you make them, there is no need to rush, if you feel like it is right for you, then do it, grow up. Maybe I only grew up after I was aged according to "them". But, here I am, about to faceplant on the pavement grown up, and I need to embrace it and love it for the sake of the kids.

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