Sunday, May 26, 2013

Brain dump

Being unified again... Maybe that is the theme this month.

You can tell that successful teams are united in purpose, and you can tell.

We need faith just to get up in the morning.

It is more important to pray when it doesn't naturally occur to us to do so.

We miss out of things when we do not have the Holy Ghost to explain things to us.

Stand in Holy Places.

The gospel makes me happy.

Utah Mormons are so serious, but now I am one of them.

Was bhudist, but loved the plan of happiness, which is found 27 times and 26 of them in the Book of Mormon so he calls it the book of Happiness.

It is weird to celebrate our birthdays, because we are celebrating getiing closer to death.

Bruce Lee is a member... Of some Karate League.

Start days with prayer, and it will bless your lives.

Baptism is one of the things that need to be repeatedly taught, and we get new things from our different experiences at each point we hear.

Why was savior baptized? To show how it was done.

We are to remember the covenants we made at baptism each week in sacrament, about 50 times each year.

Keypoint about Baptism we need the authority to perform it.

Mt. Fuji is a volcano, why is your path better?

Symbolism of the baptismal font always below the ground level to represent being reborn, after death and burial.

Who should be baptized?

What promises did we make?

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone who was a member of this church did all of these:
Come into the fold of God.
Bear one another’s burdens.
Stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all places.
Serve God and keep His commandments

7-9Stake conference on Saturday.

12th Enrichments trash to treasure.

Men and women complete eachother and are needed to be that way in Marital bonds.

Intended way to express and fulfill our divine attributes.

We all have dual beings within us.

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Lucifer does not have a body, so he tries to get us to use us to destroy the blessing.

Chastity is moral compass in our thoughts words and actions.

Chastity is complete fedelity in marriage.

(This includes speaking poorly of him to others, True or not, we just ought not ever speak poorly of our spouse because it might communicate something unintended.)

Just communicating great memories can be bad.

The Holy Ghost will let you understand, and keep in touch with what is.

It is noted that we can actually love more than one person.

Guilt is to our soul as sickness is to our body.

Some sins require more time. Where much is given, much is required. So it is in the temple, we make promises and so are under greater condemnation and in need of greater repentance.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


If you liked what you hate, you will hate something else, so just like what you hate and call it done.

We go to great length to get what we want, but why won't we go to extremes to want what we got?

The secret to happiness is on the next page... too slow. It's gone. You missed it.

No, the real secret is to always take what you love and love what you take. c/o Regina Spektor from "On the Radio"

If money is seen as power globally, then if I ruled a country I would be very excited to hear about gun laws in America from what I just heard on TV, via the show called "Revolution" an actor said, "I may be good with a sword, but I cannot hope to stand up against a shot gun." The people were able to survive without electricty, but control comes from another power...

From another scene, I had just mentally surmised the very thing a person explained in form of a joke. Electricity made geeks powerful and without it, the power returned to the bullies, so that is what civilized, means...

I thought about Joseph and what a headache he is, and thinking about Mary and how they are so rediculous in the way the behave, but if I must do  ridiculous things to get them to behave at least I have a way, and once they become old enough to see how rediculous their behavior is, it was my same theory with the older kids and their bottles to go to bed, they will have a habit of doing what is right without the rediculous enticements.

This is probably the most rediculous opinion I have ever let cross my mind, but I will amplify it in words. Here goes: some of us were bound to fall in love as part of our natures, so by the time we got bodies we were like been there done that. Formed ideas about love and attraction, but nothing prepared us for having to do it all over again. When Brandall asked me, "Don't you ever meet someone you already sorta know and you just want to hug them?" That really got me thinking. Maybe that is why people call the stronger connection they feel that has nothing to do with appearance true love when it is only just older love.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The lesson of the Coupe

It was fateful as Joseph was outside screaming "Where's my Peace" which is what he calls his little buddy, Peter. I thought "Where can I turn for Peace" and wanted to sing it for him, instead I just laughed. He saw me approaching and started moving away faster. So, I yelled stop! I went to him very closely and whispered in his ear that I really wanted to give him presents, but he had to do what I asked. Then he said, "I love you. I get coupe!" I told him that he had to obey everything that daddy said. I do not think he understands that language so I simplified and said, "Good boys listen to their daddy. If you are a good boy you can get the toys you want." And I was thinking about how I could say it more plainly because I wanted him to be happy and get the toys he wanted.

This became my lesson of the coup. I could see how Heavenly Father and Mother want to give us things too, but we have to be good, and do what is right, and they really are trying their hardest to make sure that we understand what is required of us is understood.

I want Joseph to deseve good things and I really want him to get good things.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Just how interesting are colors?

I started this thought the way I always do listening to my kids as they watched a program. There was a really catchy song about mixing up color. It got me started, then Boom! I was off full-speed to land of let's pretend.

This time I was captivated by the thought that even the land of my imagination starts with some givens. this is what I started to think about colors where did they come from? ok, keep reading it will make sense eventually. Orange is made from red and yellow, but where do they come from? this answer lead me down a path which I had been down many times Where I distinguish pigmants from light.  Primary colors just are and may be filtered out of white light which sort of is the glory of God or Intelligence whereas the absence of light or darkness is devoid of God, so in a sense "Outer darkness" or what we mormons call Hell. but then, how do we dye things to have shades or hues of color when light is refracted? I know most colors come from nature, which nature in beauty and inspires the toughest critic to believe in divinity. I think they are sensing God in nature. tis brings to mind a line rom "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" where Morgan Freeman's carachter says, " Allah delights in wonderous colors." And so that was Hollywood's best shot at where colors come from, too. I mean maybe asking is as likely to uncover an answer as the chicken or egg debate or the one about Adam's belly button. Somethings, just are.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mistaken praise

I have given praise unjustly to the things that led me to truth, which were various and sort of inconsequentual.

The truths were there and waiting to be discovered and they would come through whatever I happened upon at the time.

For example, in high school English I learned that lyrics were the natural development of poetry and music, like resees peanut butter cups. The two were destined to go together as a natural evolution. It was not the Dead Head teacher who made us study lyrics with our poetry.

Or my consumer economics course, I praised the teacher for teaching me that there are multiple approaches to the same end goal, when he taught us to choose our product to be cheap and plentiful or take more time and sell something more expensive and lasting. He did not teach me that but he put me on a computer that suggested that to me, while making a choice competitvely what I wanted to sell.

In church, one of the most influential things was said, a Sunday School president mentioned something he learned from his son. His son was struggling with the reason he was chosen to go serve a mission in Mississippi. But, as he listened to a story by Hugh B. Brown about having to cut a tree back to preserve the garden, the important phrase was, "I am the gardener here." So he was able to see that at times we are chastened or mistakingly assume we are wronged, but it was because we were being blessed and prepared for something so much better.

The thing our Sunday School president learned was that all of his fretting over who to teach or what lessons, etc. Because, though the representative teacher changes he or she is never the real teacher anyway.

I am not belittling the methods in which truths were presented, there are those designated to lead us to truth, like parents, but they are performing a service, not actually creating the ideas in your mind.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Quick thought

Women are anchors.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Wonder about what matters

There are things that should matter and then things that matter with no regard to anything else. I think this is your mind telling you rules to obey, then your heart obeying rules your mind cannot even comprehend.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

get real

I got a crazy thought forming, want to hatch it with me? Alright, here we go. You ready?

It starts by noticing for the first time that some guys are so attractive. I honestly was oblivious to it when it mattered. but, I'll save that thought for later, it is along the same lines that I want to travel. I was noticing how boys want to attract girls, but no where in that atttraction are they seriously thinking that the girl they hope or aspire to own or say that they "want" will end up being their wife and mother of their children. Aww heck, maybe that is what they are thinking, what do I know?

The thought just was that people who are on the ledge of life usually do not even think of jumping off until they are half-way to hitting the bottom. Then it becomes as they say "real".
I wonder if marraiges would be more successful if the villiage stopped trying to raise the child.

It seems that part of getting real is growing up or should I have reversed that. It matters not.  They are inclusive, leave it at that. It is idolized to stay young or something, we all look forward to that mid 20 or because fame ages people, make it thirty looking. I seriously wonder if being famous lets people gain a bit of empathy for what it was like to be the savior. He just had to get frustrated at all of his followers because they just didn't "get him" they needed to "get real".

ok, I was thinking about the fact that pop culture loves the single lifestyle and makes it look so desirable. That's not how I remember it, and frankly, I get tired trying to keep up with all that is, instead of just aging gracefully.

My sister-in-law told me one of the most influential things when she gave me a shirt that I thought was going to be too large cause it was a size 12 or something. I was very upset because I went in to the hospital 20 something and a size 4 solidly and came out in my 30's and size 8. but, she told me that I was a mom and that if I wanted to feel and look skinnier and prettier that I needed to stop trying to wear clothes that were too small for me, cause sure they would make me feel fat and mis shapen, but I was me, just now I could wear women's sizes cause I grew up! Funny now my daughter wears the same sizes as me and she is not even a teen yet, admitedly things are short,  like dresses become shirts and jeans become coolots.

My point (reeling you back in) is that we do grow up and a large part of getting real is acting our age.

So, in conclusion, we need to be forward thinking even after we reach the forward and not mind so much and grow up. I cannot stand the majority always trying to force thoughts and opinions on us because afterall the majority rules, uh, yeah, in high school, and look at how that worked out? If another generation is ever going to exist it is because you make them, there is no need to rush, if you feel like it is right for you, then do it, grow up. Maybe I only grew up after I was aged according to "them". But, here I am, about to faceplant on the pavement grown up, and I need to embrace it and love it for the sake of the kids.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Where would they be today?

I thought of a fun game to play, being a competitve musician is not as much a matter of talent as it is luck. I won the luck of the draw in having a father and mother who were such individuals. They obviously chose what mattered most and set a great exanple, but I thought how manny individuals chose similar paths and instead chose to influence lives another way though their great minds and talents prodded them on another way? Who would they have become if they had chosen soething other than my best interest?

 I think of this talk:

He talks about where he would be but how many people do you know that are as awesome as those you emulate but you do not notice because of what is seen?

How much is unseen?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I Love You

I love you, but what does that mean? If you don't know,you are probably honest or just curious enough to find out what an untrusted source,like me says.
If you do know you might be suprised to learn a few things that seem odd or cause you to question what you have thought it was.

Love is something that we feel for another person, and is associated to kissing them.but that is on the surface. Real love is a feeling for another person that desires them to the point that the mentioned sort of love is not even a part of it, They would want their object of love to feel sheer joy even if that means sharing a kiss (considered love) with someone else.

Clear as mud? Let me retry. I have seen others who genuinely love, it is difficlt to explain and I am not sure if they even recogbize it themselves because It is not called "Love" and it is not the slightest bit romantic. And because it baffles me I tried to explain it in terms of Romantic love, which it is not,but is a good point of reference. what I am calling real love (again, most confusion is from trying to explain using words terms that sort of transcend the words used to define them) is sopowerful that it evenmore powerfully encompasses that romantic thing to the point that you would love someone so much that you would want them to achieve their happiness even if it meant "loving" someone else. What confused me was the fact that what we call love (well, everyone but Brooksie and I, for us it is the name of a cheese dip )is that romantic thing, but it is so much more!

 In other languages it has different words even. Maybe in English what I am talking about is that thing called "Unrequitted love" cause theonly type of loe is theway you feel about another person physically would be unrequited. But, regardless of what others might assume that I mean, I have loved other people so much that it exhausts me.It reminds me of a conference in Seattle where I heard it explained how a man saw a lady in a yellow dress and asked her to share her story,Knowing she even had one was amazing. But she did tell a true love story about a mean patient who was dying and just needed to be loved and this woman prayed to beable to feel and express a portion of the love that our savior Felt for this man.

She did and then needed a nap beacause it was almost more than she could bear. I think we do have a large unused capacity for love but the point is, we do have a capacity. That has helped me countless times, most importantly when I couldn't understand the behavior of  my little Martian child.

The most important thing that I know about love involves a game of virtual hot potato, to get it you must never hold it for long but by giving love to others you recieve it. So, where does it originate from?  We call it God or our hearts.  It is a feeling of peace or happiness and constantly giving it away increases our capacity for it.

Well, that kept me busy enough so I didn't start crying about being alive again. Life is hard, so what? I love you so you must love me then I love you more, etc.