Thursday, June 23, 2022

Unity discussion

It is a word I do not fully internalize the significance of, but I just recognized a part of it that trying to lay my thoughts put in words will aid my organization and comprehension. There are certain things I do 100% believe, an many I only want to believe, then about 100% of things I do not know, so I have come to dislike the word and I try to avoid it like the words always and never. 
I do believe existence  is not coincidental. It was purposed and is old. Part of the purpose that is hard to comprehend is Unity when it is called interdependence when I work so hard to achieve self reliance, but, I do see times in my life where I had to purposefully give up that independence, in order to rely on others not fully believing yet that I should, but it was through doing that I could see that hope turn into a more solid belief. 
Too often, I question if I understand enough or even can, and lately, I recognized how fortunate my ignorance can't get blood from a turnip, so, a vegtable I remain.  I am really getting side-tracked!
OK, so, certain things needed to happen, but they seemed impossible. Things happened and doors opened just as they need to. Things like this (berlin wall falling)are occurring at an unprecedented rate, and it has been given the name " hastening".
Even terrible things happened that resulted in Unity like never before making the cause almost insignificant besides its usefulness in bringing about a people of one heart and mind (*giggle*I hope someone else is donating the mind, I really do not have much to offer).

Oooh, gotta go set the table!

Friday, June 10, 2022

true justice vs. parental justice

I was trying to think of a metaphor to explain my ability to excuse a thing that might not be excusable.
I thought of two. First is more of an anecdote. When Jesus was bring crucified he prayed that those who suffered around him would be forgiven (not pardoned) because they knew not what they were doing. 

I got introspective about this, it seemed like he was qualifying their forgiveness, but what if a few others knew what they did, or meant to do it... I've got a lot of considering to do here. It does give an insight into the sort of parent Jesus has. He thought their ignorance was a motivating cause to forgive.
My second exple was a little child breaking a dress-code law that was clearly posted that requires shirt and shoes. It does not say anywhere that if you are too young to read, it is OK. But, we often "forgive" things our children say or do which are actually wrong, but demonstrate that they are well-meaning. I figure we are all like that to God.

It actually sounds pretentious when I think of how I would word such a compliment to my child: " I love that... because, I went through that phase, too. It is soo eye opening when you realize there are more colors than black and white. I, actually, only learned that from all my life of experience." I actually start to giggle when I remember Jane Eyre zinging Mr. Rochester for demanding obedience due to his vast experience compared to her.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

must have a purpose, right?

I paused my very interesting video because I feared that I would loose this thought if I didn't jot it down. So, here's what I was thinking about earlier today:

I have always been told that a woman gets closer to understanding the Savior through childbirth. And earlier this week. I was relating trials of life to labor pains. I was getting very introspective about how it is soooo excruciating and yet we do it again, knowing the pain, cause of what we hope to gain. See the parallels to Christ? Well, amid that thought, I thought. Yeah, like a man is going to not have sex with his wife cause it causes too much pain....wait a sec! So, I had been taught that, 

I recall a commentary by Rick Springfield regarding the things that hive his life purpose, and he explained that he came closest to understanding life, though it might sound vulgar, during orgasims. Then, another teaching is that we can overcome any desire or addiction with the 
Hope of our future that will be even better than we could even imagine..

We are allowed to feel a portion of Godly joy in mortality through sex, and that is purposeful. Otherwise we might not multiply as is necessary. Ok. On to my new thoughts.

So if women gain this greater insight of suffering through child birth. What does man have? Oh, obviously, a wife to counsel with, a help meeting. But, then I realized man has to stand by and watch, and that is alot like God watching things occur that must, and not interfering. That seems far harder. Reminds me of Issac and Abraham but, mostly Moses and Aaron, uh, maybe more like Aaron and Miriam. Actually, childbirth is so very similar to the way Aaron was punished by Miriam getting leprosy. God is three-part in Christianity, and so it makes sense that while the woman gets a greater insight into the necessity of suffering and pain, like Christ. While men get a great insight into knowing that they caused such pain and suffering, and cannot interfere, like God, the father.

Separate and yet, the same. It is through uniting that they can comprehend the multi-purposed existence. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

neat little translation

I could not sleep, let me preface anything I now type with that if it seems nonsensical to me in the morning. So, I thought it a perfect time to increase my Icelandic vocabulary. And several other things I never do or have time for, so I played songs from words or phrases in my head like "It's been awhile." Blah, blah, blah...thought about some "Pushing Daisy's" video I made a very long time ago, and wondered a bit about who I was vs who I am, reminds me of that talk by Gordon B Hinkley about a tree in his yard and how little things end up making a big difference in the long run.... lol Svo markt, as always. Sorry, Too many words for one blog post, huh?

OK let's jump back to the point. I was using Google translate and was doing all sorts of silly words cause if I had no agenda I would actually remember the words, when I thought of one of the most significant words and it "translated" as a phrase "þykja vænt um" and so I worried that might not be at all what I meant. The word þykja meant consider and the verb and vænt sorta meant expected. This was another reason I love that language svo markt. Beyond just sounding the way humans should (like a cat should say meow), the word I started with in English was "cherish" and it was extremely perfect that it translated as meaning expectedly considerate. I wanted to record that.