Monday, March 21, 2022

doing time

Joseph, son of Jacob had a long time in prison (it took 2 years for the servant to remember him to the king), I was thinking a whole lot today about that time, and especially, how I can relate to feeling like you're so close yet imprisoned and unable to go and, that lead me to consider throughout that time what Joseph would have preferred to have happen. I am going by the assumption that he was not aware of a master plan, though through studying his character traits, I started to doubt it. He had years in prison in which time he could do little else than pray and build a strong relationship with his Heavenly Father. I only think that he is clueless because I am. Now, I would not presume to tell God what to do, but I believe that I could know what was the plan....ok. I realize that much like the government, things are not told to the "pawns" not to elicit the response necessarily, but to protect them. Unlike Joseph, I could be pretty easily forced to share information best left unknown by others. It is like in tv programs how a person is not told to protect reminds me of a Stargate Atlantis episode where the enemy can know thoughts without torture or the person even giving permission. So, the team made one guy, who thought he was so trusted and so strong no one could get to his thoughts, incorrect information and when his mind was read it mislead the enemy and it was actually all a part of the plan.

That is ultimately why I need to know a thing more than just know it intellectually. It has to do with the potential afforded by too much time in prison to reason out that the best deception is founded in mostly truth.

I am going to conclude with a quote from a former U.S. president: A house divided cannot stand. So, we are our own worst enemy.

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