Sunday, October 17, 2021

Ignorantly brilliant

 As I was listening to people I considered experts, and had different ideas than their conclusions, I remembered how brilliant my ideas always seemed at first. As I live longer I learn to say less. I use to feel compelled to speak my mind when I thought differently, but now am starting to realize, it has all been thought before. I used to think all my great ideas were original, and they are no less amazing, but NOT original.

I recall from the movie "A Beautiful Mind" that the character of John Nash was looking for original idea. That was noteworthy to me, but I didn't think more on it. Also, my first Algebra teacher used to say, "I sincerely wish that you become as ignorant as me one day." So, it was not a simple thing for me to discover that he meant that he hoped we would become wise. The more you know the more you know that you don't know. Likewise a very good friend shared a tip with me regarding motherhood, "Women who know do less." Futher, a notable scientist said that the trick is knowing enough to believe something, but never enough to actually conform that supposition and still you make a choice.

I still greatly admire my own thoughts as if they came from some external source that knows, where I don't. But, I am slowly realizing that though they are  groundbreaking and amazing to me they are not new. Still, reflecting upon ideas and forming new ones is what I do and who I am. It is simply more important to garner information or listen and learn than sharing. That has been a hard lesson, probably like realizing the sun and moon do not revolve around the Earth.

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