Thursday, July 8, 2021

Music and interconnectedness

 I started thinking about globally feeling excessive heat, and it was truly fascinating to think of others feeling a similar sensation around the world, next my mind was guided to how this was a knowledge given to me by multiple sources, or senses, and how many times I felt something so powerfully, but I lacked the second sense to define it, some people eat away their emptiness, I do searches online to find some sort of answer or connection. This was addressed in a video I watched on YouTube... I FOUND IT! The ideas were well communicated ones that were originally formed by Kabbalistic teaching. This emptiness is likened to one who is becoming aware of a vast network, but not connected to it. In metaphor a domino was described in the way it effects the one immediately near it, but ultimately the entire network.

Then it was explained as a small child cognitively discovering his universe and how things work. Initially, the child cannot comprehend much and requires parents to do much of the effort in accomplishing things, but as the child grows they become more aware of how things are actually accomplished.

My next thought was about how Interconnected the whole universe is through transfer of sound. It is silly, but in college I asked a friend if he thought music could travel from other planets to us. he thought they should be able to. Then, I asked, but wasn't matter required for sound to travel (just realizing now for the first time that travel sort of assumes time, so maybe it doesn't exist) and I asked how sound could travel through a vacuum. He said, "Oh, it is always there if you listen. It might just be a loud vacuum." I laughed thinking it was all a joke, but recently, I concluded that there could be no such thing as time. But Rhythm is an attribute of music, and if time didn't exist neither could music. I was going to explain a thing we comprehend as music transferring through waves which are created by a systematic movement of matter. Hey, wait. So, in this domino metaphor it must travel in a direction, so what about cellular communication? how does that wave know where I need it to travel? is every sound wave simultaneously everywhere waiting to be converted back into comprehendible sounds?

Urrgh! again, I got too excited by a concept and wanted to share it only to end up with more problems than  the one I thought I had solved (how music cures loneliness).

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