I am going to see if I can succinctly say the thought I just created in my attempts to take pieces that are true and combine them to see a bigger picture.
There is a being that is referred to as our Heavenly Father.
Does the word chosen to represent him mean that we were actually concieved and born? The fact that we were created in his image, then born to gain experience suggests that we were... However, Kabbalist s teach that we are all shattered pieces of this being, alright, that does not require a mother or family scenario to say that we are "Gods children" then I do not quite understand why we have more children. I understand sex as a gift and gifts being a form of bestowal, or fufilling a desire and if there is one thing corporeal men desire it is sex.
But, I will not get side-tracked there. So, I can understand how that concept can be the same truth, same word creating a parent/child relationship. I had always commented on how everything is possible to God is another way of saying that together we can accomplish anything (like the wonderpets cartoon https://youtu.be/Lwtc2e7kvBk ). So, I can see the sense of being a part of the whole. Not to sound like a Borg (resistance is futile).
Now, is where my idea comes in. I believe that we existed in spirit before the creation of the world was finnished. There are a few points that I struggle with to understand, yet I do not find it hard to believe. Both true ideas require a sacrifice --->God loved us so He sent His son. And I further extrapolated that if all spirits were once part of a whole(parent) it makes hope so much more important and the fact that spirits would potentially be lost is a sacrifice of one's self, literally.
I've got some serious thinking to do yet, as this trial taught me that I cannot transfer these ideas yet. Perhaps I will try again. I have learned that each religion is itself shattered. It is by combining them that the absolute truth will present itself. But, I loved the line from a movie "God's Not Dead" where a man explains that maybe it is the only way for some people to even be exposed to such ideas...Ihave come to accept that with the many religions that exist to satisfy man's ultimate yearning for what is.
I do not understand where man's desire to pray to a higher being comes from. We always organize ourselves under a leader it seems by nature, but who do people pray to if they believe themselves to literally be a part of the being? Surely, they can see the need for a heirarchy... Oh, spent to much time on this... More later...