Sunday, July 25, 2021

One of my fruitful attemps

 I am going to see if I can succinctly say the thought I just created in my attempts to take pieces that are true and combine them to see a bigger picture.


There is a being that is referred to as our Heavenly Father.

Does the word chosen to represent him mean that we were actually concieved and born? The fact that we were created in his image, then born to gain experience suggests that we were... However, Kabbalist s teach that we are all shattered pieces of this being, alright, that does not require a mother or family scenario to say that we are "Gods children" then I do not quite understand why we have more children. I understand sex as a gift and gifts being a form of bestowal, or fufilling a desire and if there is one thing corporeal men desire it is sex.

But, I will not get side-tracked there. So, I can understand how that concept can be the same truth, same word creating a parent/child relationship. I had always commented on how everything is possible to God is another way of saying that together we can accomplish anything (like the wonderpets cartoon ). So, I can see the sense of being a part of the whole. Not to sound like a Borg (resistance is futile).

Now, is where my idea comes in. I believe that we existed in spirit before the creation of the world was finnished. There are a few points that I struggle with to understand, yet I do not find it hard to believe. Both true ideas require a sacrifice --->God loved us so He sent His son. And I further extrapolated that if all spirits were once part of a whole(parent) it makes hope so much more important and the fact that spirits would potentially be lost is a sacrifice of one's self, literally.

I've got some serious thinking to do yet, as this trial taught me that I cannot transfer these ideas yet. Perhaps I will try again. I have learned that each religion is itself shattered. It is by combining them that the absolute truth will present itself. But, I loved the line from a movie "God's Not Dead" where a man explains that maybe it is the only way for some people to even be exposed to such ideas...Ihave come to accept that with the many religions that exist to satisfy man's ultimate yearning for what is.

I do not understand where man's desire to pray to a higher being comes from. We always organize ourselves under a leader it seems by nature, but who do people pray to if they believe themselves to literally be a part of the being? Surely, they can see the need for a heirarchy... Oh, spent to much time on this... More later...

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Importance of a handbook

if, you read the title first, it would mislead about the content (unless the one reading it was me). I was thinking about how very little Modern Icelandic has changed from it's roots in contrast with other Scandinavian languages.

Iceland was in many ways isolated, and a historic view alone can explain a cause in less deviation in speech, but there is more to that. Because of it's isolation another "talent" or trait became significant, that is a literary tradition. Having had such a cultural importance given to the words they are more rigid. it was well put my linguist Jackson Crawford when he mentioned our use of the archaic phrase "Death us do part" it has not changed though the actual communication of the sentiment might not be expressed that way had it not been preserved by the culturally significant words.... this thought reminded me of the importance stated and restated for Book of Mormon people taking scripture with them.

This whole paragraph is a side note.  As I watched a video of the wisdom of Kabbalah, among many impressions one was very strong, "These ideas are as pure as the ones I had admired for years from the mouth of Nephi himself." The fact that Nephi taught similar ideas as were had among Jewish sects since the beginning of time is not surprising, but such thoughts are like the one someone shared at a scripture study in Mississippi when the explained that they had a "testimony" of the truthfulness of the book of Mormon because of phrases like "a river of water." which is very strange way of referring to a river unless one grew up around wadis (or dry river beds). An Egyptian/middle eastern critic found many interesting points that spoke of things that a man such as Joseph Smith could not have accidentally included in his story.

My final comment is regarding the use and interpretation of handbooks. In Mississippi, one is as far away from the "Mormon" headquarters as possible within the united states, both physically and figuratively. The church, however, is to be the same regardless of where it is located. Yet, there was always a great division between Utah Mormons and the indigenous people, I noticed a similarity when various countries tried to decipher an earlier form of their own language. The people of Mississippi claimed their practices closely, nearly to a t, followed the church handbook.

I experienced this firsthand when I was called to a position in a Utah BYU ward. I was not familiar with the calling, so I looked up what it entailed in the handbook, and prayed about what was expected of me (assuming it was my heavenly father who wanted m to do this), then, when I met with my leader she explained to me what my job duties were, and I was entirely caught off guard. She had decided that I was perfect for this job, it all made no sense, but I did not question as I did not consider myself sufficiently wise, and had best just do as I was instructed. But, later as I was reviewing the circumstance at home, I realized  what I had heard for years growing up about how differently "those people" interpreted the handbook.

There is more recorded than words. Both leadership and handbooks help preserve what ought to be.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Music and interconnectedness

 I started thinking about globally feeling excessive heat, and it was truly fascinating to think of others feeling a similar sensation around the world, next my mind was guided to how this was a knowledge given to me by multiple sources, or senses, and how many times I felt something so powerfully, but I lacked the second sense to define it, some people eat away their emptiness, I do searches online to find some sort of answer or connection. This was addressed in a video I watched on YouTube... I FOUND IT! The ideas were well communicated ones that were originally formed by Kabbalistic teaching. This emptiness is likened to one who is becoming aware of a vast network, but not connected to it. In metaphor a domino was described in the way it effects the one immediately near it, but ultimately the entire network.

Then it was explained as a small child cognitively discovering his universe and how things work. Initially, the child cannot comprehend much and requires parents to do much of the effort in accomplishing things, but as the child grows they become more aware of how things are actually accomplished.

My next thought was about how Interconnected the whole universe is through transfer of sound. It is silly, but in college I asked a friend if he thought music could travel from other planets to us. he thought they should be able to. Then, I asked, but wasn't matter required for sound to travel (just realizing now for the first time that travel sort of assumes time, so maybe it doesn't exist) and I asked how sound could travel through a vacuum. He said, "Oh, it is always there if you listen. It might just be a loud vacuum." I laughed thinking it was all a joke, but recently, I concluded that there could be no such thing as time. But Rhythm is an attribute of music, and if time didn't exist neither could music. I was going to explain a thing we comprehend as music transferring through waves which are created by a systematic movement of matter. Hey, wait. So, in this domino metaphor it must travel in a direction, so what about cellular communication? how does that wave know where I need it to travel? is every sound wave simultaneously everywhere waiting to be converted back into comprehendible sounds?

Urrgh! again, I got too excited by a concept and wanted to share it only to end up with more problems than  the one I thought I had solved (how music cures loneliness).