I just saw a quote that disturbed me, because it felt like laquer. Sure, it filled in cracks and looked nice, or made for a nice facade, like homes for sale in Tennessee, that have new vinal paneling placed over a faded paint job. It looked great and new while underneath a real wood exterior rotted away. This quote felt good it touted health would be achieved through simply walking away from things one did not like, and I have had to learn from experience that is not the right approach. It is true that at times a situation or person is toxic or harmful to our health, even physical exertion can feel painful, but avoiding the person or situation is like side stepping a mess on a pathway so that someone else can deal with it.
Although, I cannot suggest running headlong into an undesirable situation; I do not condone walking away from it. I suggest making whatever alterations must be made to turn the situation around. True health can result, and though it is harder to repaint an entire home, and would appear better perhaps to simply cover it. In the long run, the effort will both be more honest and improve a situation for the future. I feel like that is what is needed in many situations rather than just walking away. This applies to many situations and people. I felt the need to say such because I naturally want to accept such a solution, but realize that it may not be the best long-term (eternal) solution.
I feel supported in this notion through these talks: