Thursday, November 15, 2018

So incredibly thankful

It is appropriate that I ought to feel this way as Thanksgiving feast is nearly here. I feel lukewarm most days, because a sincere mental conversion has not happened but, whenever I pause to consider my nature I see differences and contemplation of such actions that set me apart from others always make me feel awe, wonder, gratitude then always a sincere hope or belief which is labled as one word in English: faith.

I have so much more to say, but must attend to other things immediately.

Alright, now I am at home again with a bit of free time so I wanted to say that the more I believe as my inclinations lean, the happier and more appreciative I am.

I don't know how I became what I am but I love me. Except for the inner sense of not having found it yet, so I look.

I have been watching the Last Kingdom again on Netflix and it colors everything I think about. And I notice how much power holywood has. The main character falls in love entirely so many times, eachtime it seems ideal/perfect, but ends. And I start to think it is reality and why so many marriages fail. Rather than realizing what was missing. People more quickly focus on else they can have. Through this on screen portrayalit is easy to the opposing forces of human nature vs. a nature of diety. Base self is indulged and becomes a reality. But, the whole tale is fiction.

Then in Season 2 I adore the relationship between Erik and Aethelfled and wonder why, and why Holywood is presenting it andmaking her husband seem like such a bad guy. What is the adgenda because I have fallen entirely for it.

We see divorce is rampant. And the screenwritters are trying to explain how it is acceptable, now what are they trying to say? Is it another Romeo & Juliet type thing? So, we dislike those who treat us poorly but love our enemies if they are chivalrous. I have not said what is the crux of my need to type my thoughts, but I need to go pick up my kids.

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