Saturday, May 13, 2017


It is hard to even comprehend, but what devotion! I love the idea of being espoused, because it requires a commitment and devotion to demonstrate devotion. It is a much more believable thing than any sort of dowery or expensive ring, which are intended to demonstrate devotion.

I remember a new beginings in WA when a seminary instructor told us how he had given several promise rings to girls in hopes that at least ONE would be there for him when he returned. The funny turn in events was that two of the girls bragged to eachother about their missionary, who was the same person. Ofcourse, only one of them ended up being his wife, but as funny as it would be to tell more of his story, I wanted only to say how much respect I have for those who behave as if they were married although the marriage has been neither legalized or solemnized. And still it is legitimized in their minds. But, I think if it had worked it would still be working instead of privately promising. I guess what I am saying is that I have no real faith in the promises of others especially without evidence, a sacrifice of buying an expensive ring is a great idea, if The person did not easily buy such a ring. Plus, when I was looking at marriage, waiting to prove any committment sounded rediculous. Hence, I recieved only one real engagement ring, and it worked in making me think twice before I changed my mind, but if we had been espoused publically which required public accpuntability to change my mind that would have been so much better (so says the girl who has never been edpoused).

Sorta unrelated, I feel like... what the heck must be done, sweetheart?

I started thinking this because I was pondering Mary's agreeing to be the mother of God though she had to know that no one would believe her, but Joseph did.

Dowery is a pretty good idea because it calls for social accountability, and pressure from families, but thinking of those involved, I see several problems that arise from such an institution.

Being espoused publically is good to me because, someone is expected to maintain respectable life as if they were married, although, everyone knows theyj aren't. That is what makes Mary's story seem so devious because she did have any and all opportunity to be unfaithful to her promises, and break with Joseph and instead Marry the true father of her child, except for divine intervention, so Joseph was aware independently of her innocence.

I guess what I am saying, in a long drawn out way, is that I believe her story because of what Joseph did.

1 comment:

Melissah said...

I like thinking my thoughts about the Bible, because not alot has to be said to make sure the reader knows what in earth I am talking about.