Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Country and Western

I was wondering about the commonalities between country and western. In particular there are things I considered "country" but then realize it is probably just a western thing, namely a cast iron skillet. It led me to realize the similarities like, resourcefulness, almost frozen in timeness, and grass rootsness. Granted, the last two aren't real words but that is what I was thinking about expressed most plainly in words (that communicates the right thing to you, I hope).

I have loved the resourcefulness of rednecks that find a way to do a thing that others do some way unavailable to them. But, isn't that the same thing I admire so much about pioneers? It is summed up by the saying "necessity is the mother of invention."

So, today thinking about my skillet and where it came from, or rather what it represents, sitting next to my non-stick electric griddle. I think, just,because a way is accepted or the big thing does not discredit other ways that might be better. So, let those ideas flow even the original ones.

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