Monday, January 27, 2014

Beauty Again?

     Alright, it seems I pass the time thinking about beauty. Odd when it otherwise escapes notice. My initial thought to pass time today was this thought over and over, "I love Jesus Christ." and I do; but because there ought to be more to such a thought, I turned to music and videos to let my idea launch into something grander, or at least more than obsession. I went on a wild jouney that lead me to this video:

       And while watching it the thought occurred to me that Mary was chosen to be the mother of Jesus Christ, so she must have been the representation of what was beautiful to God. I very much doubted that it was how she wore her hair or made her face appear, further, I doubted that it had much to do with how she choose to appear to others at all. There is a hymn that says "There was no beauty that man should him desire." so, man's desire and beauty are not found naturally in his own salvation. That was a big eye opener.

The fact that I keep returning to the topic of beauty suggests to me that it is something that I have failed to gasp yet...

I ought to include this:

Friday, January 17, 2014

Quote to remember

You lack the vision to see how happy a marriage can be, and should be. You are satisfied to eat the crumbs that fall from the table, for you have never tasted the banquet.
compare that to the saying that "It is better to have loved and lost."  a quote from the book "Fascinating Womanhood" by Helen Andelin. I wonder if she is related to Derek, who I knew from doing Windows technical support. It is an odd surname...

Baking soda

I was too tired, last night, so I placed this sort of book mark here for myself

This is another thought inspired by baking. I still laugh every time I see the label that boast of "All Natural" baking soda, what on earth is unnatural baking soda? Sound interesting to me.

What I noticed as I tried several recipes was that the baking soda made the biggest difference.

But, the reason I was trying new recipes had nothing to do with taste.  Every one tasted great! but they did not look perfect. So the one I tried last night appeared best, but tasted terrible. It is not the first time I had a run in with Soda. I had previously decided never to use it again, after it clumped up and I got a brownie with a lump of baking Soda.

But, my conclusion was two part last night. 1) I had been warned countless times that you cannot have you cake and eat it. (story about my piano lesson in college where I asked my teacher to not be so picky since music was aural anyway) 2) I will not give up just because I have failed so far. Someone once told me that was what made me so above mediocre my never give up or settle attitude. I know thee exists a combination of ingredients that will produce both the most tasty and beautiful recipe.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Country and Western

I was wondering about the commonalities between country and western. In particular there are things I considered "country" but then realize it is probably just a western thing, namely a cast iron skillet. It led me to realize the similarities like, resourcefulness, almost frozen in timeness, and grass rootsness. Granted, the last two aren't real words but that is what I was thinking about expressed most plainly in words (that communicates the right thing to you, I hope).

I have loved the resourcefulness of rednecks that find a way to do a thing that others do some way unavailable to them. But, isn't that the same thing I admire so much about pioneers? It is summed up by the saying "necessity is the mother of invention."

So, today thinking about my skillet and where it came from, or rather what it represents, sitting next to my non-stick electric griddle. I think, just,because a way is accepted or the big thing does not discredit other ways that might be better. So, let those ideas flow even the original ones.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Division of labor

While watching Disney channel I thought the advertisement, though not false, seemed inaccurate. As I considered it, I thought it was probably because of specialization.

A division of labor has allowed us to make great advances by focusing on one area, but it has caused so much specialization in some cases, that sight of the big picture is lost.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Many visitors

I was thinking how almost too often I am waiting for something, but I am clueless as to what. It must be godot. He gets so,many visitors there is probably a line longer than the one to space mountain to get to even see him. It is worth it though, right? Or why wait? Uh oh, potential song forming, push it away, I am busy waiting for something. :)

I like the Jewish notion best, light a candle then go to sleep. I guess it's almost like Santa Claus.