youTube is like a situational dictionary. it is to communicate or understand by representing in video each situation that occurs in our minds, now we have the tools to communicate volumes online.
If the analogy of words helps use it, itwill help you understand why I post so many videos. I guess I could just use words to represent a situation and string them out to e read, but at times a video just hits me so and I think, it is too perfect,Like Mozart's music, nothing needs to be changed or added it is perfect in itself.
I like to speak in videos, whic is funny because they use words. i particulrly like to speak in music. i guess that's what opera does. when I was a kid I would imagine eac instrument being a person, and a symphony was delightfu to hear them all talk, in the movie Amadeus, Mozart (tom hulce, actually) said that it can only be done in opera, in any other occasion multiple voices at once just make noise.
I think it is natural to want to put poetry to music. that is how I taught my sisters everything. And I gave my daughters a cd for a present, cause I wanted to teach them princiles, that were in a song, if they listen they will memorize and it will always be with them. Music has touched me and savedme when voice alone or words alon couldn't do the trick, look at Music Therapy. or the popularity of Morrissey ok, bad examle. I know that i'm not normal,neir popular, nor is morrissey, but I used him to demonstrate how beautiful words become when sung.
One of my bestfriends loved his voice, but quoted his lyrics all the time andalways fund occasion. I personallynever caredfor his voice until after yrears spent listening to him, now it is familiarity that I love. I must also admit that upon first listen, I hated Daniel Beddinfield's voice, but I love hissongs so I listen.
Now,back to youtube, i think peole are wiser, may it is just me, but now lyrics have to say something, if you read comments on you tube or look for your favorite artist everyone finds a different clip or situation to attach it to. The comments are always about the lyrics fitting nicely or not, but there are alot of things where people just interact with out song, Cartoons, sockpupets, interviews, movies, etc. They all help to define our video language.
I couldn't communicate with out their help right now. but never fear, someone has spent hours slaving over trying to make a certain point and my only job is to direct the viewer to it to make my point. I am a babe in the use of this new langugage, but I enjoy learning it. plus, I am thankful for he outlet. I was stuck, like a bird in a cage for too many years, trying to make things work. but now I can run in the woods, er fly I mean, an