It is 4:30. I need to get sleep before the day starts. It starts at 6am with Breakfast and Scripture Srudy before school., know that I still ponder on useless things, I just don't find much time to write about it.
Thursday, August 17, 2023
in a daze
I have not written much as of late because I have not had sufficient time to organize my thoughts, but before this season too passes without word from me, I wanted to share my latest pondering, it is regarding a supposed history... based off of DNA findings.I assumed the narrative which I had heard was true regarding the settlement and Christianization of Iceland. And that was fine for the majority, but, it certainly did not explain my own findings. Fir a long time I had been worried that DNA might be incorrectly interpreted and so I hesitated to make conclusions based on what it suggested: I had almost 100% closer match to the Icelandic remains, when in comparison to other samples (users or peers). I am of Norwegian heritage, yes, but not nearly as much as one ought to be if the story of early settlement was accurrate...if I was at all Icelandic, which keeps showing up as a heritage strangely enough, then I ought to be significantly Norwegian. Yesterday, on our walk, I decided it was the Celtic part that was Icelandic, not the insignificant Scandinavian. Anyhow, it was a long thought out process that led me to the conclusion that my Irish/Scottish/British heritage was the truly interesting one all along. I had been chasing other notions and possibilities when, more than likely the reason I matched, not by any big website that did the processing and told me who I was, but because I matched the decoded DNA of early Irish remains undeniably, and it is that same code that keeps appearing and linking me to all of these odd places like Pictish Skotland, Greenland, Iceland, etc. I just had heard all the stories that seem to fit and match surnames on family search as well, to place me as an Erikson who had been sent from one place to the next, but at the same time, I had undeniable proof that I was descended from other rulers on their perspective lands, so it could not be through their blood lines. Oh yeah, another thought I always have is how a website can say that I closely match enough, enough shared code that I am descended from these dead people on obscure islands... and yet I am not significantly Norwegian... that in itself is confusing. My recent ancestor was born in Sweden, but records say that her parents were both born in Norway, or the one census record claims Finland, so I say broadly, I am actually Norwegian, but not sufficiently so to explain the Icelandic connection.then, I randomly found this morning that my closest match on my true ancestry was Saxon Iceland, so, I had assumed that referred to the large chunk of Germans who ruled Sachony, and ended up with the surname Sachsen or something, but it probably referred to the English/Scottish settlers who would have been called Anglo Saxon. So, I went with that, and found a not to be trusted Wikipedia article that claimed that the earliest settlers on Iceland were Irish monks, and THAT made perfect sense.
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